Setting up multi-site Drupal 5 on Windows or Linux - consolidated instructions

If you are new to Drupal and Apache, these instructions will walk you through most of the things you need to do, to get Drupal up and running on Linux or Windows. I haven't covered the details of setting up a database in MySQL with phpMyAdmin, but I do show you how to configure Apache so that this works. For the Linux instructions the file paths are typical for SuSE Linux 10.1 - for most other Linuxes the htdocs path is likely to start at a different place, but the principles are the same.

We will assume you want to make a local installation on a Windows PC and an installation reachable via the Internet on a Linux server.

Hosts file

You will find the hosts file at the following locations:

- on Windows: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
- on Linux: /etc/hosts

In these instructions, we will assume you want to install a number of sites at:

On Windows (local):    strawberry.loc  and
On Linux (Internet):    and

The hosts file will look as follows for the Windows example:  localhost  strawberry.loc blueberry

For a Linux internet server the hosts file should look as follows:

ipaddress  yourhostname   localhost

OG User Roles and File Upload

Note that this issue has been resolved with this setting:

There appears to be a problem using OG User Roles with the Drupal core upload.module.

There is NO problem if you assign users whom you wish to be able to upload files a site-wide role which has the "upload files" permission.

However, if you assign a user an OG user role which has the "upload files" permission, the user will be able to upload files, but will get an error in the process. This situation is described here:

The solution at this point is to replace the "Upload" module with the "Attachment" ( module. There does not appear to be any permissions problems in using OG User Roles with the Attachment module.

We hope to resolve this situation and make OG User Roles fully compatible with the core Upload module. The issues to track:

Additional Notes: Clear the cache setting

OG User Roles and Content Access / ACL

OG User Roles will work with the Content Access and ACL modules. However, there are some restrictions which are explained here:

The documentation I created assumed TAC installation. I have not tried Content Access/ACL without TAC. However, this user has:

According to him, it still works.

OG user Roles and modr8

Release 2.1 of OG User Roles now modified to work with modr8 module.

If a user has an OG role which gives him the "moderate content" permission, this user can NOT access the modr8 Moderation List or overall Moderation Log. These are "admin" functions and OG User Roles does not give group role users access to sitewide "admin" functions.

However, the user CAN moderate individual nodes (a "Moderate" tab will appear on nodes that the user can moderate) and see the moderation log for individual nodes.

To change the moderation status of an individual node, use this url:

node/< nid >/ogmodr8

Because the OG user (with "moderate content" permission from the OG role) can see and moderate individual nodes in that group, we can use "Views" to obtain a list of nodes in moderation. I exported a view here: to list all nodes in moderation for a particular group. The URL to the view is: Your users can use this view to list all nodes in moderation within a group, click on the node link which will bring it up with a "Moderate" tab, and then click on the tab to change the moderation status of the node.

OG User Roles: Test

As of release 2.1, there is now a OG User Roles settings option which allows you to output debug info to a table.

You can use the Database Administration module in order to execute queries on your Drupal site database and view the table contents. Download from:

In order to output debug data to this table, go to OG User Roles settings, and in the form section "Test/Debug" place a check in the box next to Output debug data to og_user_test table?. This action will begin outputting data to the og_user_test table.

OG User Roles will automatically create this table:

    CREATE TABLE og_user_test (
      testDate varchar(25),
      testUser varchar(5),
      testUserName varchar(40),
      testGroup varchar(5),
      testFunction varchar(60),
      testSubFunction varchar(80),
      testString varchar(60),
      testStatus varchar(10),
      testURI varchar(200),
      testAArg0 varchar(40),
      testAArg1 varchar(40),
      testAArg2 varchar(40),
      testAArg3 varchar(40),
      testPerm long varchar)

To see the output, you must be able to access the table using the SQL command:

"select * from og_user_test".

You can execute this command using the Database Administration module: Admin->Site Building->Database.

You will see output similar to this:

OG User Roles: Notes


  • This module changes the "node/add" URL for creating new nodes in group context to "ognodeadd" which can cause problems with some other modules. We have fixed most of the problems that have arisen, and so far, we have tracked the known existing incompatibilities down to the following modules: editablefields and Formfilter However, you should be aware that you might be using a module which has this incompatibility with OG User Roles.
  • Also, known problem with ognodeadd re-direction with CCK-created group content types where the machine-readable name contains dashes and the human-readable name contains spaces.
  • Create content links on the main navigation menu: In Menu settings, you should uncheck the "Expanded" option for the "Create content" menu item. If you leave the "Create links" menu option on "Expanded", then OG User Roles will display content types that the user can create here when the user is in a group where he has the appropriate role(s). However, if the user clicks on the "Create content" sub-menu link (rather than the Group menu "create" link), he will get an "Access Denied" message.


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