Data Helpers - High Volume Time Series Storage & Analysis

Data Helper storage framework in Drupal to provide support for high volume data storage and analysis. Borrows many concepts and structures from the ArcHydro data model, but scope goes beyond a simple watershed data storage infrastructure to accomodate any geospatial and high volume time series dataset. Uses entity framework to optimize storage and retrieval in Drupal.

Header image

The header Image module allows you to display an image on selected pages via a block with flexible display conditions covering all pages of a site.

It doesn't support displaying images as a CSS background image, but here's how to easily achieve this.

Integrating the Responsive FileManager with Drupal 7 and CKEditor

Responsive FileManager (RFM) is a free, open-source file manager that works with CKEditor. It's modern, beautiful, responsive, highly usable and harmonises well with CKEditor's minimalist "moono" skin. As well as nice features like drag and drop multi-file upload, file and folder management, RFM also allows sophisticated image editing via the Adobe Aviary photo editor.

Responsive FileManager promo

Setting header image as a CSS background image

At the time of writing the header image module doesn't support adding header images as a CSS background-image. Instead it simply displays the image field in a header image node. Using CSS background-images is more flexible in many use cases. Yes there are various background image modules but the advantage of using the header image module in this way is its ease of content management and full range of header image display conditions.

Drupal Security Best Practices

A Practical Guide

Mike Gifford

OpenConcept Consulting Inc.
Publication date: 
Page count: 

The need for organizations to understand security has never been higher, unfortunately bad assumptions have lead to many sites being left very vulnerable to attack.

OpenConcept developed this best practices guide to provide a starting point to look at when thinking about the security of your website. Much of the information required to secure Drupal is common across most web servers, so even if you are not currently using the Drupal CMS, this document may be useful. There is of course a technical element, but many of the principals are things which need to be understood clearly by everyone.

Security needs to be regularly re-evaluated. This book does not include coding best practices, but there are many references included in this document for those looking to learn more.

This guide has lots of practical tips for experienced web developers and systems administrators, but also contains information for managers. We've tried to include useful examples of how to implement these best practices. There are lots of links to other resources for people who want to learn more.

In the latest release we've expanded information about Drupal 8, included information about crackers, and highlighted security regulations that you may need to comply with. We've expanded the Drupal section to explain in more detail how to evaluate Drupal modules and themes for security.

You don't need to be a security expert to get value from this document as everyone benefits from having a better understanding of web security.

Field Permissions


The Field Permissions module allows site admins to set field-base-level permissions to edit or view CCK fields on any fieldable entity.


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