Unusual https and www non-www configuration

Hello! I have a question regarding HTTPS which i never saw before

My website has subdomains and a main domain

I would like to redirect all to https, and the main domain to www and the subdomains without www

to be clear:

www.example.com and sub1.example.com

will become

https://www.example.com and https://sub1.example.com

I've only seen code to redirect to either www or non-www but i wish a mix of both www for main et non-www for subs.

Appreciate any help!

Print current page url in custom block


I'm trying to use Discourse as the comments system of my Drupal 8 website.

So I created a block with the html provided in this topic, and I placed it at the bottom of my node layout. Now, I'm looking for a way to print the url of the the current node to replace


So far I haven't found a way to do it. Is it even possible ?


How to get group node field values through custom development


I am using drupal 8 group module for differentiate the content at group level.


One of our custom development, we need to get the group node field values.



Expose the unpublished node into jsonapi


Is it possible to expose unpublished node into jsonapi.

if possible means, how to form the api structure.



Is Layout Builder safe ?

Hello everyone, 

I work on a Drupal 8.9.13 test project. I tried to enable Layout Builder core module, and this broke my project. I could restore it disabling layout builder directly in the database. I already had Paragraphs activated. I don't know if it's related to this issue.

I also read on Google that this event (project breaking) happened several times for other people.

What do you know about that.

Do some people here use Layout Builder module ? Is it better than Paragraphs, Display Suite... ?


Blogger XML to D8?

I am still on a localhost devel installation.

I have read at least 30 posts at various places. Many don't work at all. Many are outdated. Many make no sense whatsoever. I have migrate, migrate_plus and migrate_tools installed. I added a migration group but all that enables me to do is to list migrations that do not exist #Frustration.

 I found a couple of commercial solutions but I prefer to do this myself and save some money.


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