Tutorial: show link to 'add more content' after saving new content

In this tutorial, we will use the Rules and Entity API modules to display a 'Add More [Content type]' link as a system message after user saves new content. This will eliminate some steps and some page loads from the default Drupal behavior when adding new content.

Props to that cool guy, Johan Falk at NodeOne, this tutorial is based on screencast at http://nodeone.se/node/986.

yeah, right

. -:)

The Rules module is extremely powerful and flexible framework. It will decrease the need for custom coding. Learning and using the Rules framework may enable you to replace some of your other contributed modules that are less powerful and flexible. Rules depends on Entity API. You will need to download and enable Rules, Rules UI (included in Rules module), Entity API and Entity tokens (included with Entity API module).

To display an 'Add More [Content_type]' link after user saves new content, do the following:

  1. Go to admin/config/workflow/rules
  2. Click Add New Rule
  3. At admin/config/workflow/rules/reaction/add, give your new Rule a name, something like 'Add more content link'
  4. Optionally, you can provide tags to the rules for filtering in administration iterface, unless you have a lot of Rules, tagging isn't neccessary.
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