Entity JS

Entity JS allows for Javascript layer access to some commonly used entity-related functions such as EntityFieldQuery.

This is achieved through Drupal menu callbacks and jQuery $.ajax calls.

Note: jQuery's jqXHR Object uses the .done() method that requires later versions of jQuery (1.5+) than what currently ships with Drupal 7. In order to use these examples, we recommend installing jQuery Update. For more on .done(), review the .promise() method jQuery API docs.


Create an entity by providing a type and an array of arguments. Shown printing response below.

values = {
    "name": "username", 
    "mail": "username@example.com",
entity_create('user', values).done(function(data) { console.log(data); });

Uses a $.post callback URL: /entity_create/[entity_type]


Return a rendered entity using a view mode. Shown printing HTML to console below.

entity_render_view('node', 1, 'default').done(function(data) { console.log(data); });
Uses a $.get callback URL: /entity_js_drupal_render_entity_view/[entity_type]/[entity_id]/[view_mode]

Querying to get a list of taxonomy terms or nodes using EntityFieldQuery

This belongs inside your module code.

You can get a collection of nodes matching particular parameters by using EntityFieldQuery, instead of writing an SQL statement. I had a hard time getting all the syntax together, so here are a couple of simple samples:

// We use the machine name to ensure we have the proper vocab
// that is not fixed to a specific vid on a installation.

// Define this outside of the two conditions to avoid PHP notices.
$term_options_list = array();      
if ($range_vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('range')) {
  $efq = new EntityFieldQuery();
  $result = $efq->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term')
    ->propertyCondition('vid', $range_vocab->vid)
  if (!empty($result['taxonomy_term'])) {
    // The results contain an array of entity stubs keyed by {term}.tid.
    // The stub only has {term}.tid and vocabulary_machine_name.
    $first_term_stub = current($result['taxonomy_term']);
    $first_term_tid = key($result['taxonomy_term']);

    // To load all terms.
    $terms = taxonomy_term_load_multiple(array_keys($result['taxonomy_term']));
    // To generate an options list.
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
      // To hook into i18n and everything else, use entity_label().
      $term_options_list[$term->tid] = entity_label('taxonomy_term', $term);
      // Single language, no term label alters.
      $term_options_list[$term->tid] = $term->name;      
// IMPORTANT. This was for a select list that expects raw values.
// If ANYTHING else is required, escape the term names, either here
// or where the name is used.
$safe_term_options_list = array_map('check_plain', $term_options_list);

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