Comparison of Responsive Menus

There are a number of contributed modules for making menus responsive (i.e. for responding to being on a mobile device by changing size, shape or form), and this page summarizes these different modules.

Beware, they all have very similar names!

The table below is sorted by most recent supported version, which often acts as a useful proxy for determining the most likely module to be best for your needs, particularly when developing for Drupal 8/9, as D7 installs often misrepresent the popularity of D8/9 modules.

Comparison of Rotator / Slider modules

This page came about as a result of this post that lists Tabs and Slideshow Modules in the Similar Module Review group. The linked post lists several modules that provide either tabbed content or rotating content.
There are two general use cases here:

  • A device to provide access to large amounts of regular site content from one area of the page (tabbed content).
  • A device to showcase featured content, often on the home page, in an eye-catching manner (rotating/sliding content).

This comparison page is limited to the latter use case. It is open to discussion whether the ideal eventual outcome of any consolidation between the best features of the best of the modules would be a package that includes both types of feature.

Available modules overview

There are many modules that provide some sort of slideshow / rotator functionality.

Comparison of Node/Entity Ordering Modules

The standard ordering for lists of nodes and or entities in Drupal is first by the "sticky" attribute and then by the created date. Many content modules have some facility to change this ordering, but only for their content type. The modules described here attempt to provide a more controllable ordering in a variety of ways.

Comparison of Glossary-type modules

Choosing between glossary-type modules

There are several glossary-type modules available, all of which are designed for slightly different needs. This page is here to help you choose which module you should probably be using, or if you should really write your own.

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