Mailhandler Single Mailbox


If you use the Mailhandler module and you want different user accounts to have their own mailbox to send content to a site, you are required to configuring multiple Mailhandler mailboxes for each account as well as multiple feeds to process each mailbox. The provisioning of mailboxes on a mail server and configuration of so many Mailhandler mailboxes and the associated feeds could be automated, but it would be pretty gnarly.

The solution we came up with was to have a single mailbox on the mail server, and have a single mailhandler and single feed processor for the a site. Instead of each user getting their own inbox, we have a single inbox that collects email from any number of addresses. This can be done by either configuring the mail server to have a single ‘catch all’ address or, if available, a plus addressing scheme (think GMail).

What does this module do?

The module exposes the 'Send content by mail' permission.
The module provides a user interface to generate unique 'email addresses' for each user on the site with the 'Send content by mail' permission.

Why is that useful?

Workbench Configuration

This is a port of the README file within the Workbench Module. It may need to be adapted to fit the Handbook style.

Workbench does not have any configuration settings. Additional Workbench modules have their own configuration.

For example: see Workbench Access, Workbench Moderation for configuration information for these Workbench modules.

Configure settings.php and .htaccess to redirect subfolders properly

When you're on a shared host like Lunarpages, you'll sometimes need to install drupal in subfolder. Often, you'll want to make it look like the subfolder is the base URL. To do that, edit .htaccess in your domain's public HTML root to redirect requests for pages, as instructed here:

Configuring text formats (aka input formats) for security

Drupal's Input Formats provide a variety of benefits. They can be used to enhance the functionality of your site but one of the main purposes is to ensure that data entered on your site is safe for site visitors. For example, if you allow anonymous commenting with "Full HTML" input format, a visitor could add an inappropriate image or malicious JavaScript code capable of changing your password on the site.

Additional tips and tricks

This page contains some common recommended settings for most sites, that will help make your site easier to configure and maintain.


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