How to install this stack on Ubuntu

RVM is highly recommended for Omega 4. For more information about this, please see the previous page and the 'Gem Management' section at

Here's a 3 min screencast that covers an Ubuntu installing everything required via rvm, including ruby and bundler :

Organizing your Site Content (Layout) using the Susy Grid System

There are several Susy tutorials out there that are definitely worth reading, and this Susy reference page is a good one to bookmark.

If you are struggling piecing together those tutorials into the Omega 4 Framework, here are some helpful points to get you up and running quickly.

Omega Susy Variables

a. The $total-columns variable pertains to your mobile grid. You'll likely want to keep this number low since in most cases your mobile regions will only either occupy half of the mobile screen width or the full screen width.

b. Omega 4.x uses the magic grid by default, which is fluid on the inside, with an elastic container max-width. The em-width makes it responsive to font sizes, while the max-width setting makes it responsive to window sizes. Learn more about fluid or static grids.

Common Questions

This section is incomplete and in-progress. Please be patient we are working to develop the handbook as quickly as is possible.

Read this:

How to remove line @media -sass-debug-info in the css file compiled

You just have to add in your file config.rb located in your theme's folder this line before the condition if (environment.nil?)

environment = :production

Advanced Techniques -

This section is "In-Progress". Stay tuned.

  • Clean and meaningful CSS

Creating A Custom Layout

Layouts are placed in the layouts/ sub-directory of the Omega theme or any sub-theme. Omega provides several layouts: divine, off-canvas and simple. The Ohm demonstration sub-theme also provides a layout: hero.

Sub-themes inherit layouts from the base theme and can declare also their own layouts. (This does mean that you must choose a new name for your new layout to avoid unexpected results.)

Helpful Drush Commands

The Omega 4.x base theme comes with built-in Drush integration to extend the core commands of Drush itself for various Omega 4.x and theming related tasks.


The following guide assumes that you already have Drush installed and running.

In previous versions, the Omega theme Drush integration was provided by a module (Omega Tools). However, the maintainers of Drush recently added command discovery for themes which now allows us to ship the Drush integration directly with the Omega theme instead of maintaining a separate module. Omega Tools has consequently been deprecated and will no longer be maintained for the 4.x version of Omega.

Please do not install Omega Tools when running Omega 4.x. It might overlap/collide with the Drush integration provided by the theme.

Getting started

Once you have Drush installed and working you can download Omega 4.x by navigating into your Drupal directory and issues the following command.

drush dl omega

This will automatically download and place Omega 4.x in sites/all/themes/omega.

Drush has an internal cache that you may have to clear in order to make use of the Omega related commands. The following command clears the internal Drush cache.


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