Request translation for several entities at once

Analog to 'Node Source' there is an 'Entity Sources' listing on which you can manage bulk translation with entities.

Go to Administration > Sources. Here you can access all entity types that have been marked as translatable. In the case below 'node' and 'File'.

Job Overview

Administration > Translation provides a good overview of all pending jobs.

To see the progress graphs, you have to download and install Google Chart Tools.

The jobs and items are color coded:
Color Codes for Jobs

A pie chart represents the items included in the job as well as the prgress that has been made so far.

Translate several nodes at once

The node source view provides a tool to mark several node for translation. You will find it at Administration > Translation > Sources.

The little color boxes indicate the status of the translation process. When rolling over a box with the mouse you are presented with the corresponding status in text.

To understand the color coding, please check the color legend in the top right corner.

Entity Translation

Instead of translating complete nodes it can be interesting to make only some fields of a node translatable. This can be achieved by using the Entity Translation Module ( With it, fieldable entities can be translated without doubling the node itself.

Make entities translatable

As a starting step make sure that you have set the appropriate options for language detection (Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Languages, choose the 'Detection and selection' tab). This will facilitate finding the translations once they are done.

  • Download and activate the entity_translation module
  • Create a content type with the fields you want to translate
  • Under the publishing option of the type choose 'Enabled, with field translation' in Mulitlingual support
  • In the properties of each field enable the field translation ('Users may translate this field'). You will find this in the 'edit' tab

Fields can now be translated one by one. For a more detailed description see this post by Randy Fay.

Invoke TMGMT

Translation with File Export

For translation on a different system you can use the File Translation mechanism. It allows you to export the source text in HTML or XLIFF, a specialized XML format for translators.

Setup and configuration

Activate the Export / Import File module in the TMGMT suite. This will automatically create a translator for this method.

Export File

Add a node and go to the 'translate' tab. Once you request a translation the job window will show up:

Job Window

Automatically Accept Translations

It can make sense to skip the review process in TMGMT. When, for example, the translation is done by a human and has been reviewed already by using other means.

Go to Administration > Configuration > Regional and language> Translation Management Translators choose to edit a Translator. You will now see a checkbox 'Auto accept finished translations'. Check the box to pass returned translations to the node automatically and skip the review step.


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