Specefic CSS for different node display

I choosed drupal to make a small application that allow me to insert people data and print a 3 differents types of vouchers, one for the person, one for me and the last as an archive.
To create a different type of node displays i used the Display Suite module .
The problem is that i want to theme those differents display by adding custom headers and static text on the header and the footer to print it later.

Is there any way to do that? custom module?contribution module?
Thank you


The Poultry provides a fluid, responsive theme customized to make RedHen easier to use and prettier to look at.

Isolated and secure FTP for Drupal with vsftpd

This will be a guide on how to create the utmost secure possible vsftpd environment for just the Drupal install and update functionality without unnecessary features.

1. Create a new user intended solely for FTP authentication

sudo adduser drupalftp --shell /usr/sbin/nologin

This user can not be used to log on to the system.

2. Install and configure vsftpd

sudo apt install vsftpd

Modify the default configuration file as following:



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Changing Your Site's Appearance

Themes control the look and feel of your Drupal site. A theme contains files that determine the structure of your site and code that defines design elements.

Prepackaged or custom

Anatomy of Theme


  • Regions: Predefined areas where Blocks can be placed and ordered.


Facebook-style Statuses: Theming

The information on this page should help themers style the Facebook-style Statuses module.

Styling an individual status update

Most of the time you will see status updates in Views. To style status updates in Views you can usually just edit the view to provide the fields you want (although the defaults will work for most people) and then use CSS to add whatever styles you need. If you need to do something more advanced, you can override the Views theme templates.

To theme individual status updates not in Views (for example on example.com/statuses/SID) you can override facebook-status-item.tpl.php. Copy this file to your theme's directory, edit it as desired, and then refresh your theme registry cache. You can learn more about theming for Drupal at Overriding theme-able output in the Drupal handbook. facebook-status-item.tpl.php has documentation in it that explains what variables will be available to you for display. (Of course, if you only want to make simple changes, you can usually just do it in your theme's CSS file.)

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