Getting Started: Configuring your subtheme

  • Getting started: Configuring your sub-theme

The wizard asks you the following questions and uses your responses to build your subtheme:

  1. Please enter the name of the new sub-theme [Omega Subtheme]: Yoursubthemename
  2. Please enter a machine-readable name for your new theme [yoursubthememachinename]:
  3. Please choose a base theme for your new theme
    [0] : Cancel
    [1] : Ohm (Subtheme of Omega)
    [2] : Omega
  4. Please choose a starterkit for your new theme
    [0] : Cancel
    [1] : Extended: This is a short description for the Extended starterkit. (Provided by
    [2] : Default: This is a short description for the Default starterkit. (Provided by
  5. Please choose a destination. This is where your sub-theme will be placed
  6. Please choose a destination type.
    [0] : Cancel
    [1] : Site (e.g. 'all' or '')
    [2] : Installation profile
    [3] : Parent theme
  7. Please choose a site.
    [0] : Cancel
    [1] : all
  8. Do you want to keep the starterkit's readme files? (y/n):

Creating an Omega subtheme with Drush - Quickest and easiest method

This page shows how to create a sub-theme using drush to quickly get started with a custom theme on top of the Omega base theme.

Drupal provides a theme inheritance capability that lets you create sub-themes which inherit all the properties of a base theme with the exception of those that you choose to override. Since Omega is a base theme there is no reason to hack or edit it directly.

Before you begin, you must have drush installed and configured. For more information, see Specific instructions for installing Drush on different platforms.

Omega, ships with two commands for generating a subtheme. One is a wizard, and the other creates the subtheme in one go. It is always suggested to use the wizard as it does not require you to remember the syntax for specifying the desired options. However, if you want to write a script that, among other things, generates the subtheme for you on the fly you might prefer the direct command.

Creating a subtheme with the wizard is as easy as drilling into your Drupal directory in terminal, and typing the following command and answering the questions asked by the wizard:

drush omega-wizard

Step 2: Creating a Subtheme

Now that you have Zentropy installed, it's time to create your very own Zentropy Subtheme!

Before we get into it, let's take a look at some of the terminology we will find:

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