Database and Constants

Inspecting the hook_schema() in the file patterns.install in order to have an overview of how patterns are stored in the database can be a good starting point.
Patterns are stored in a serialized array whose field is called "pattern". They have an unique serial identifier (field "pid"), and a set of metadata to indicate the state of the pattern ("status", "public", "updated", etc.), dates when was enabled or last updated, etc.

Patterns 7.x for contributors: A tour of the code

The purpose of this document is offering a starting point for contributors and developers to understand patterns code. The tour's aim is to provide an outer to inner overview, in a similar way we do while debugging the code.

Step 5: Components

Here you will learn about Zentropy components.

This page is under construction.

Advanced Drush Integration

If you use Drush 5.0-rc2 or newer you can download and install optional components using Drush:

drush zdl --help will list the available components.

drush zdl "theme_machine_name" "component_name" will download and automagically install the component into your subtheme.

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