Webform and Views

Starting with version 7.x-4.4, Webform uses Views to display the submissions list, results tables, and administrative list of webforms. Each of these may be customed using the Views UI module.

The submission list and the results table may be customized for an individual webform by cloning the view and appending _NID to the end of the cloned view's machine name -- e.g. webform_submissions_123. This allows you to, for example, remove specific data columns from the RESULTS / TABLE tab for webform 123.

Comparison of Form Building Modules

Drupal has a lot of modules aimed at helping site builders and users add forms to their sites. What follows is a rough comparison of three of them for Drupal 8 and five of them for Drupal 7. Please add any missed or new information about the ones listed.

Using Webform CiviCRM Integration 3


These instructions assume you already know how to use CiviCRM and the Drupal Webform module. Read those manuals first.
This module leverages Webform, Drupal and CiviCRM to create a smart form builder and processor that can work with a wide variety of CRM data. CiviCRM Webforms can create and update information about contacts, relationships, cases, activities, event participants, group subscriptions, tags, and custom data.

Getting Started

  • Download and enable this module, plus its dependencies: CiviCRM, Webform, and Libraries.
  • Download jQuery TokenInput and extract as the folder "sites/all/libraries/tokeninput" (or another location permitted by the libraries module).
  • Create a new webform (or go to edit an existing one).
  • Click on the CiviCRM tab.
  • Enable the fields you like, and optionally choose introduction text and other settings.
  • Customize the webform settings for your new fields however you wish.

Upgrading to Version 3

Webform 7.x-4.x and 7.x-3.x

Webform is a module that aids in making various one-off forms such as contact forms, surveys, order forms, reservations, CRM requests, and more.

To install the module, download the module and add it to your sites/all/modules directory. Enable it under /admin/build/modules.

You will now have a new node type called "Webform". From there, you simply need to create a new webform, add a title, description, confirmation message and other fields you may require. You can set up email settings to send an email upon form submission.

Finally, you can add several components (think fields). There are several component types available: fieldset, pagebreaks, grid, textarea, textfield, select (checkboxes, pulldown lists), email addresses and more.

The checkboxes under the "E-mail" header should be checked for each field you want to be included in the email that is sent when the form is submitted. This checkbox does not have to do with validating that field as an email address; that is handled by choosing "email" in the "Type" column.

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