External Advanced Tutorials and Videos - MediaFront

External Resources (Off-site from drupal.org)

Note: Travis Tidwell is the module's creator and maintainer.

  • "MediaFront 2.0 Intro" - Video. (2012.04.07 - 36-min. -by Travis Tidwell - YouTube)
  • "Advanced MediaFront 2.0" - 9-Videos. (2012.05.18 - 1-hr. 25-min. -by Travis Tidwell - YouTube).


The MediaFront module allows you to control the on-page presentation of your audio and video multi-media files; and includes the media player itself. You can host the files yourself on your webhost's server; or your media files can be hosted on a video-sharing website like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

These are the official documentation pages for Drupal's MediaFront module.

Please feel free to contribute to this page, and all of the other MediaFront pages.

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