Comparison of Form Building Modules

Drupal has a lot of modules aimed at helping site builders and users add forms to their sites. What follows is a rough comparison of three of them for Drupal 8 and five of them for Drupal 7. Please add any missed or new information about the ones listed.

User / Field instructions for Edit Entityform Type form

Entityform user documentation (version 7.x-1.0-rc2)

This document will provide instruction regarding what information should be supplied to each question on the Home » Administration » Structure » Entityform Types » Edit "Form Name" form.

We have documented all of the fields on the Edit Entityform Type edit screen. While you can read all of the user documentation, you can click on the below links and it will take you directly to the instructions for the specified field.

Entityform Notifications and Emails

Entityform uses the Rules module for its notification system. When editing an Entityform Type, you can select rules to be run upon saving an Entityform Submission under the Notifications Settings tab for the Entityform Type. Rules and Rules Components that are tagged with "entityform submission" will be shown in this list.


  1. Install and enable Rules and Rules UI. Note: if Rules UI is disabled, then the Entityforms Rules will not show up.
  2. Install and enable Entityforms.
  3. Create an Entityform Type.
  4. Click on the Notifications Settings tab.
  5. Configure the notification settings as desired.

Note: there are also settings at Configuration » Content authoring » Entityform settings. (I assume these are for defaults that will be used when creating a new Entityform Type, but this needs confirmation from the module maintainer.)

Entityforms Rules

There two default Rules that come with the module:

  1. Email Entityform Submitter: Sends an email to the submitter.

When to use Entityform

When I was first researching Entityform and other survey form modules, I had four basic questions I was trying to resolve.

  1. I don't want to create a survey form, so why would I want to use a survey form module?
  2. How does Entityform help solve my problem?
  3. When should I use it
  4. How is it different from other solutions?

After doing some research and talking with Tedbow, this modules author, I think I can start to answer these questions.

I don't want to create a survey form, so why would I want to use a survey form module?

I just had this same discussion with a friend of mine the other day. She wanted to include a signup form at the bottom of an event content type node. This sign up form would allow people to register for the event. (Yes, I know she could’ve used the signup module. However she needed more functionality than the signup module offered.) I suggested she use either Entityform or Webform. Her immediate response was "I want to create a signup form, not a survey form". And therein lies the confusion of “survey” form modules.

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