Configure Environment Indicator 6.x-1.x & 7.x-1.x

The Environment Indicator settings page allows you to modify some elements of the indicator's behaviour and appearance. Individual settings, such as the text to display and the colour can be overridden for each of your specific environments in the site's settings.php file. This allows you to customise the indicator for each of your environments without needing to make any changes in the database. This means that the Environment Indicator will always display correctly when moving your site from development to staging to production.

Testing a three-legged and two-legged OAuth REST, using Services 7.x-3.2 and Oauth 7.x-3.0, with PHP Client

Here I will post all my system settings and configurations to test it out.



  • CentOS 6.3
  • PHP 5.3.18
  • PECL Oauth extension (via command pecl install oauth)
  • Drupal-7.17
  • Server URL: http://core.zeus.lan (you can use any URL BUT You SHOULD really going for HTTPS)
  • Client URL: http://localhost/oauth.php (this will be used below)



I use location sites/all/modules/contrib for my drupal modules.

Services Configuration

First we set up the services with oauth.

  1. In Drupal site, install modules: REST Server, OAuth Authentication, OAuth Provider UI.
  2. In Drupal directory, comment out line 6 to 8 in file oauth/lib/OAuth.php, since it will conflict with PECL OAuth.
  3. In Drupal site, Create OAuth context in admin/config/services/oauth/add, make sure to create Authorization level and set as default.

Setting up a local test site to work on Git related patches for d.o


  1. It is assumed you have a working Drupal 6 site set up.
  2. Install these modules:

Manually setting up a testing project uses worker queues to setup git repositories for new projects. But you can also do it by hand.

  1. Create a bare git repository. For example unpack versioncontrol_git/tests/testrepo.tar.bz2 - it is a packed repo that has some commits, branches and tags for testing.
  2. Go to Administer » Content management » VCS Repositories.
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