Mass Contact


The Mass Contact module started out as a modified version of the core Contact module. It allows anyone with permission to send a single message to a role or group of roles (or even to all registered users). Over time, it evolved to something more than just a basic contact module to a group of users.


Here are a list of some of the features this module has:

  • You can send a message to one or more groups (referred to as categories) of users, which are specified by role.
  • Large recipient lists may be broken up into smaller chunks.
  • The site administrator can control how many messages are allowed to be sent by a single person in an hour.
  • The message may be sent such that the recipients' e-mail addresses are hidden from each other.
  • The message may be sent as plain text or HTML, even specifying the input format filter to use.
  • The message may include one or more binary file attachments.
  • The site administrator may specify different texts to be placed at the beginning and/or the end of every message that is sent out.
  • A copy of the message may be saved as a node.
  • Users may opt-out, by category, of receiving mass mailings on their account settings page.


Print: 1. Installation

Install and enable the Printer, email and PDF versions module in the usual way. Learn more about installing Drupal modules. This module contains a number of 'sub-modules'; you should enable the print and print_ui modules, and one or more of the following modules.

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