This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Getting "Unable to create thumbnail image" error from "+content > image" ... Why?! -Urgent

Getting "Unable to create thumbnail image" error from "+content > image" ... Why?! -Urgent ...


Advanced form based on html template?


I'm currently developing a module that enables users to create, manage and deliver application forms with drupal (forms to apply for money and support from different firms). The problem is that these forms have approximately 40 form elements and it needs to look exactly like the paper-version of the application form. It's pretty "advanced" when considering the layout of the elements so I need to design the form in Dreamweaver and user the generated HTML into drupal.

Not sure how to search for an answer on this one...

For the version, I'm saying it's 4.7 because I just downloaded and installed today... but it could be 4.6. Either way, what happened just now was... :)

"Reset defaults" in settings not immediately updating elements in forms


I'm trying to update buddylist.module to be 4.7 form api compliant. I've taken some initial steps on updating the admin->settings page to use the forms. Everything looks good, the data seems to be stored and used.

I am encountering one small bug, however. When I click "Reset to defaults", the page refreshes but the values in the forms stay the same. If I click away from the page and return the defaults have come back.

Is this an issue in my form code, or should I file a bug against something?



Image Module not working with safe mode

File uploads (core module) are working fine. Uploading images with the image module only gives me the following error and a post without image: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /export/www/students/projects/gamedevclub/modules/image/image.module on line 316."

Drupal 4.6
PHP Version 4.3.3

I don't really understand what's going wrong. If only I had a more useful error to work with I might find out something more. I'm not good at php though.

If you need more info to answer my question, just let me know.

menu_set_location an tabs

I've created a module which displays a node instead of term-listing. If i call it without menu-modification all is ok. The "view" and "edit" tabs are displayed and teh breadcrumb is set correct.
But if i use "menu_set_location" to activate the corresponding menu-item the tabs aren't displayed anymore.
How can I set the active menu-item and display the tabs?
I tried to add

$items[] = array(
                 'path' => 'node/'. $nd->nid, 
			   'title' => t('view'), 
			   'callback' => 'node_page', 
			   'access' => node_access('view', $nd), 
			   'type' => MENU_CALLBACK
$items[] = array(
                 'path' => 'node/'. $nd->nid .'/view', 
			   'title' => t('view'), 
			   'access' => node_access('view', $nd), 
			   'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 
			   'weight' => -10
$items[] = array(
                 'path' => 'node/'. $nd->nid .'/edit', 
		           'title' => t('edit'), 
			   'callback' => 'node_page', 
			   'access' => node_access('update', $nd), 
			   'weight' => 1, 
			   'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK

but it do not work ("access denied", even if "'access' => 1"). Changing "MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK" to "MENU_LOCAL_TASK" displays the node but without tabs :-{

Any suggestions?

best regards,



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