Custom Formatters

The Custom Formatters module allows users to easily create custom Field Formatters without the need to write a custom module. This lets you format and theme individual field types.

There are two different editor modes:




To get Wysiwyg Fields up and running as quick as possible follow these steps.

Note: This assumes a relatively standard Drupal installation and configures only the Article Image field for use as a Wysiwyg field.

Supported field types/widgets list

While in theory Wysiwyg Fields supports all field types, some may work better than others and some may be impractical when used as inline fields.

Below is a list of some core and contributed module field types/widgets along with their status and any notes.


Wysiwyg Fields

Wysiwyg Fields bridges the gap between Drupal fields and CKEditor by turning any standard Drupal field into a CKEditor toolbar button. The content of the fields are still managed by Drupal's field system, and rendered via Drupal's Field Formatters, with a simplified user experience.

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