References Dialog: Create New Referenced Node Content While Editing Parent Node

Overview of the References Dialog module

What it does

Question: I have a node/entity reference field on a node form, but I don't have the content for it yet. How can I add referenced node(s) without leaving the container node create/edit form in a single, seamless workflow?
Answer: The References Dialog module provides an elegant solution by exposing links to Edit, Search for existing, or Create in a clean modal popup dialog. The selected or created node id then populates the node reference field and dialog is dismissed. Watch a 1 minute demo of it in action.
Screenshot of References Dialog in action

Once asked questions

  • Does the module work out of the box?
    Yes. Note that as of this writing, you'll want to have picked up the -dev version. -alpha4 presented some hiccups like Drupal site chrome (header/footer) showing in modal dialog form and some PHP notices.
  • Does it work on node_reference or entityreference modules?

Comparison of lightbox-type modules

For a revised version in the new documentation system, see Comparison of Lightbox-type modules. It's probably better to update that page, and leave this page as is.

There are various modules in Drupal which provide "lightbox" type functionality. These modules usually use JavaScript to overlay images on the current page when clicked upon, which has the advantage of being able to show users the large version of a thumbnail image while keeping them on the same page. However, there are a number of these modules available, each quite similar but some have more features, while others are more lightweight or have better browser support.

This article attempts to do a comparison between these modules to allow you to choose which one best suits your needs. For the purposes of this comparison, the "lightbox" type functionality where content can be displayed in a container overlayed on the current page, whether it be for images, iframed content or videos, shall be referred to as a "lightbox".

As modules are constantly changing, this page is often not fully up to date, so use this page with some caution.

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