Drupal 8 Message Stack documentation


Information on the implementation of Message Stack in Drupal 8. Message Stack is comprised of Message, Message Notify and Message Subscribe. Development is performed on GitHub for those modules.


The message table itself does not contain many columns and only requires the template bundle id to be created as you will see below.

Suggested new features

New feature requests related to email notifications for ERPAL for Service Providers

Introduction and F.A.Q.

Introduction and F.A.Q. about email notifications for ERPAL for Service Providers

How to use message_subscribe with organic groups

This is meant to be a reasonable tutorial for using message_subscribe with organic groups as the module exists as of (2014-02-25), but you should be able to extrapolate to make this work in other contexts. Since I found this module relatively complicated to set up and configure, I hope this helps someone have an easier time of it. As the module develops further, this documentation should be updated.

Message Subscribe Module

The Message Subscribe module provides a mechanism for users to tell the system to send them notification messages when events occur on a web site. When this module is enabled the Message stack becomes a viable alternative to the Messaging and Notifications modules.


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