unione 1.0.0-alpha1

New features

Contains initial integration with UniOne transactional email service.

evalwf 8.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

8.x-1.0-rc1 release of EvalWF 8.x-1.x. (sorry about versioning, it is newer than 8.x-1.0)

It can create evaluation for from has created Webform module.

Elements you can evaluate: checkboxes, radios, select, tableselect, likert, checkbox, checkboxes other, radios other, select other, number, range, table sort, table sort select
Textfield, email, textarea visible as text in evaluation page.

Emailing available.

Durpal 8, Webform 8.x-5.x
Drupal 9, Webform 6.0
Drupal 10, Webform 6.2

widget_type 1.5.13

New features

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.5.12:


  • #3341734 by e0ipso: Drupal 10 compatibility


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