On Drupal.org for 16 years 2 months

Over 10 edits to documentation

Drupal Contributions: 

I've sponsored two modules: custom destination (http://drupal.org/project/customdestination) and a plug in for Get Satisfaction, the feedback service (http://drupal.org/project/getsatisfaction) - and am now working on another one: http://drupal.org/project/nodetable

I've written a few doc pages on patching modules (http://drupal.org/node/620014) and on modules for generating HTML tables (http://drupal.org/node/619014).

Projects maintained

Drupal Association #DrupalCares Supporter
Drupal Association Individual Member

john.kenney helps support and grow the Drupal community with the Drupal Association.

I contributed Drupal documentation
I help in the Drupal support forums