On Drupal.org for 11 years 5 months


Smile is the recognized European leader in the integration of open source solutions (OSS). Having 30-years of recognized expertise in development, Smile became a reliable partner for dozens of world and hundreds of local companies. Apart of experience, we are continuously monitoring technological advances thus we are able to provide our clients with the most effective and secure open-source solutions.

The company was founded in 1991 and up to now Smile continues rapid and stable development as an open-source expert.

With a help of efficient development tools and technological advances, Smile became a real open source solutions leader. Thus, the most ambitious companies have already received a benefit from the solutions we offer.

Projects maintained

Community Organization Member
I contributed Drupal patches
I contributed Drupal modules
I contributed Drupal installation profiles
I contributed to Drupal issue queues
I contributed to Drupal.org
I contributed Drupal documentation
I contributed Automated tests
I provide Drupal-related services
I help mentor new contributors