Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
master / 7.x-5.0 11-Feb-2012 Drush should not merge together aliases with the same name
master / 7.x-5.0 11-Feb-2012 Drush backend calls can now show progress in real time and allow for keyboard input
master / 7.x-5.0 18-Jan-2012 Drush make moved into core Drush
master / 7.x-5.0 18-Jan-2012 Commandfile cache - you gotta clear it on rare occasions
master / 7.x-5.0 18-Jan-2012 Use 'variables' element to dynamically override Drupal variables. $override has been removed
master / 7.x-5.0 16-Jan-2012 Use interactive install profiles with site-install for Drupal 6
master / 7.x-5.0 16-Jan-2012 Optional usage tracking
master / 7.x-5.0 16-Jan-2012 Speed up development with new `runserver` and `qd` commands
master / 7.x-5.0 16-Jan-2012 New documentation topics: shell aliases, connect via bastion, bashrc customization, drush make, ...
7.x-4.x / 7.x-4.6 16-Jan-2012 Naming a command file, config file, or alias file just for Drush 5, Drush 4, etc.
master / 7.x-5.0 16-Jan-2012 Core-cli command removed in favor of Bash completion
master / 7.x-5.0 15-Jan-2012 Drush Make no longer supports the POST method when downloading a file
master / 7.x-5.0 25-Dec-2011 Remove deprecated aliases from Drush 5
master / 7.x-5.0 25-Dec-2011 Commands may now declare argument(s) as required
master / 7.x-5.0 25-Dec-2011 Throw error when unrecognized option is provided
master / 7.x-5.0 25-Dec-2011 sites/all/drush is new folder for placing commandfiles, config files, and site alias files
master / 7.x-5.0 02-Dec-2011 drush_invoke now respects 'callback' function and sets command-specific options
master / 7.x-5.0 12-Nov-2011 SSH command - arguments changed
7.x-5.0 24-Oct-2011 Removed --include and --exclude from supported drush rsync options.
master / 7.x-5.0 18-Oct-2011 Allow --config, --include and --alias-path to specify multiple file/paths, and merge together options from all contexts
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