Module page:
(This doc page is about the 7.x-2.x branch)

Configure in Admin > Structure > Crumbs (> Plugin weights).

On this page you see all the available plugins keys that may provide candidates for the breadcrumb parent and link title for a given breadcrumb item.

The plugin keys can be moved up and down for enabling/disabling and setting priorities.

Wildcard plugin keys

Plugin keys ending with "*" are called "wildcard keys".

Plugin keys in the "Inherit" section get their status and priority from the closest matching wildcard key. E.g if
- * is in "Enabled", with weight=3,
- taxonomy.* is in "Inherit",
- taxonomy.termReference.* is in "Disabled by default",
- taxonomy.termReference.field_tags.* is in "Inherit",
- taxonomy.termReference.field_tags.node.* is in "Inherit",
- taxonomy.termReference.field_tags.node.article is in "Inherit",
then the latter will be considered "disabled".

Most of the plugins inherit (indirectly) from the root wildcard "*". Usually you can leave these the way they are, nothing to configure.

Plugin keys that are "Disabled by default"

Some of the plugins are disabled by default. In particular, anything related to menu and taxonomy. You should choose which menus and taxonomies are relevant for you, and what priority each of them should get, by moving some of the keys into the "Enabled" area.