Import and Export of content-types, fields, panel or views-structure

Last updated on
22 August 2016

Drupal 7 will no longer be supported after January 5, 2025. Learn more and find resources for Drupal 7 sites

This issue can be solved with 2 modules:

  1. Features - Allows you to export content-types, users and structures (e.g. Taxonomy, Image-styles, etc.) into a module-like package An excellent guide is available here:
  2. Feeds - Feeds is a contributed module that allows one to import and export content from a csv, xml, or rss format. Visit the feeds project page for more information.
  3. For "node-content" export/import use the "Node Export" module.

Future of Drupal Exportables

Drupal is well known for being modular and flexible. One of Drupal's strength is the move toward more and more exportable settings.

In fact, there currently is an initiative toward providing more of this exportable abilities: .

In addition, full-featured configuration management is a planned part of Drupal 8 (

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