The 5.0 release candidate of Drupal core is now installed on Of particular interest for contribution maintainers on, this means that the Project module and all related parts of the new release system have been ported to the 5.x API. Please help ensure that the release system continues to function smoothly once we upgrade to a 5.0 release candidate by testing out things on Read more to find out how...

Using the scratch CVS Repository

There is now a scratch contributions repository, so if you are a maintainer of a contribution (module or theme) on, you can test out the release system by adding release tags or new branches to the scratch CVS repository and creating new releases. Releases created in the scratch repository will be packaged by the automated packaging script, so you should be able to verify all components of the release system from committing changes, adding a tag, creating the release node, and downloading the resulting package. However, this repository is only for testing -- do NOT put code you care about into it, since it will all be deleted eventually.

To make sure you are using the scratch CVS repository, you must change your CVSROOT environment variable or use the -d option to all of your cvs commands. The new root should be:

CVSROOT = :pserver:[user]

where [user] is replaced with your regular CVS username. So, the first step is to login to the scratch repository, like so:

cvs -d:pserver:[user] login

Once you have accomplished that, you can now checkout a copy of your contributed module, theme or translation:

cvs -d:pserver:[user] co contributions/modules/[your_module]
cvs -d:pserver:[user] co contributions/themes/[your_theme]

Whatever directory you check this out into will remember it's from the scratch repository, so further cvs commands in that directory will no longer need the -d:pserver... option.

Providing feedback

If you find any problems, please submit an issue (here on, not You should search the existing issue queues before you submit a new issue, in case you have encountered a known bug. When it comes to the release system, you should always check the list of future work before submitting new issues. However, if your feature or bug isn't listed there, here's where you should report things:

In all cases, file your issues against the "HEAD" version of these modules.

Thanks for helping to ensure the stability of our release infrastructure as we move forward to Drupal 5.0!