My SMS Mantra SMS Gateway integrates the MySMSMantra Gateway to the smsframework module.



Installing the My SMS Mantra Gateway module is simple:

  1. Copy the mysmsmantra folder to the modules folder in your installation.
  2. Enable the module using Administer -> Modules (/admin/build/modules)


  1. Make My SMS Mantra Gateway as default (admin/smsframework/gateways)
  2. Configure My SMS Mantra (admin/smsframework/gateways/mysmsmantra) by adding your My SMS Mantra username, password and SENDER ID
  3. Revisit admin/smsframework/gateways/mysmsmantra this should now show the balance in your mysmsmantra account
  • In case you do not see the balance as shown in the image verify if your username/password is correct and if you can login to mysmsmantra's site. In Case mysmsmantra site being unresponsive/unresponding try later.

Once the Module is configured it can be used to send out SMS using any of the the feature of smsframework

MY SMS Mantra Gateway uses Port 8080, before using this module kindly make sure that Outgoing Port 8080 is open on your web server