I just started drupal'ing (D7) after using other cms'es and coding Sites using tools like Dreamweaver.

I really miss an enhanced code view on all those web-wysywig editors.
Generally,there seem a few solutions around, namely
codemirror http://codemirror.net/
editarea http://sourceforge.net/projects/editarea/
ace http://ace.ajax.org/

and also some attempts with drupal:
probably based on

i'd like to know why this seems a not too common wish.

writing content, i'd like to stay within my environment, but sometimes need to check some markup, or want to add sth. there.
curretly, i paste to my favorite editor and back, what many ppl do, i guess.
so i have these points in mind:
-have the source highlighted (colorized)
-keep text marked while switching WYSIWYG<->Source
-maybe indented
-maybe autocomplete


sirtet’s picture

i found 2 more modules in that direction:

both are for D6 only...

patrickavella’s picture

I'm also curious why this doesn't seem to be a common desire. If you know PHP/HTML/etc wysiwygs are terrible to work in. There are a lot of situations where I need to write HTML for my nodes, and many other situations where I'd like to add PHP, but it's painful to write (or edit!!) that code in a textarea.

I've found a chrome extension that allows tabbing in a text area, but that's as far as I've gotten. If anyone has a solution for this please let me know, because it would make my life a lot easier!

sirtet’s picture

is some work done to get CodeMirror as an Editor into Wysiwyg. I installed a dev-version and applied the patch. I could configure CM now, but it shows me a blank box with only linenumbers, not really working yet for me.

Anyways, i hope for a combination that lets me switch between Wysiwyg and CodeMirror.

Maybe it would be fairly easy to port
to D7, which is a plugin for TinyMCE...

Well, anything coding is too difficult for me.
So i keep collecting info and show interest.

sirtet’s picture

After more searching and asking, i made a prototype solution here: