"Down here in the dungeon as we are..."


#Please note that this "topic" is
#Please be aware that you posted your new topic
#Please be aware that you posted your comment
in the "Deprecated" sections of the forums at Drupal.org.

The 'Deprecated' (no longer used) section of the forums
is intended as a library archive collection of old posts
and is not be seen by typical forum users.

The only notice it will get is via notifications
sent to the topic's 'followers' (if any).

That is possibly why you never got any replies.


Project's 'Issues' page.

If your issue is Module-specific or Theme-specific,
go to the relevant project's 'Issues' Page.

- The X project 'Home' page is at

- The X project 'Issues' page is at


Module - http://drupal.org/project/issues/views
Theme - http://drupal.org/project/issues/zen

#In your case http://drupal.org/project/issues/#

For additional details on getting help on specific projects, see...

Get the Fastest Answers to Module-Specific or Theme-Specific Issues at Drupal.org - How to


Forums: (Active)

If your issue is more general,
please "Post new Forum topic"
in one of the active forums.

#In your case I recommend that you post in the forum


Tips for posting to the Drupal forums


Forums at drupal.org

-- Post installation http://drupal.org/forum/22
-- Before you start http://drupal.org/forum/20
-- Installing Drupal http://drupal.org/forum/1
-- Upgrading Drupal http://drupal.org/forum/21
-- Converting to Drupal http://drupal.org/forum/37
-- Module Development and Code Questions http://drupal.org/forum/4
-- Theme development http://drupal.org/forum/3
-- Translations http://drupal.org/forum/30
-- News and announcements http://drupal.org/forum/8
-- General discussion http://drupal.org/forum/2
-- Drupal showcase http://drupal.org/forum/25
-- Events http://drupal.org/forum/28
-- Community Spotlight http://drupal.org/forum/13854
-- Hosting support http://drupal.org/hosting-support
-- Paid Drupal services http://drupal.org/paid-services
-- Drupal Newsletter http://drupal.org/forum/42
-- Security advisories for Drupal core http://drupal.org/forum/1852
-- Security advisories for contributed projects http://drupal.org/forum/44
-- Security public service announcements http://drupal.org/forum/1856
-- Maintainer news http://drupal.org/forum/118
-- ... {Non-Active archived posts only}




Module-Specific or Theme-Specific Issues

For details on getting help on specific projects, see...

Get the Fastest Answers to Module-Specific or Theme-Specific Issues at Drupal.org - How to



Forum: Sending user to Project Issues - 1

If you have a problem or question about a specific module, you should create an issue in the module's issue queue (after checking for an existing issue first). Note that if you 'Create a new issue', on that form you can always simply choose the 'Category' option: "Support request"

- The # project 'Home' page is at
- The # project 'issues' page is at

In your case I recommend

# http://drupal.org/project/issues/#


Forum: Sending user to Project Issues - 2 : "To repeat..."

I feel strongly that at this forum you are not getting the exposure to you questions that you need.

I again recommend that you head to the module's issue page and search for your answer.

If you can not find the answer, then "Create a new comment" and specify 'Category' as "Support request".

Rest assured that the first place any module's developers go is their 'issue que' and he/she/they will see your question; and they are the most qualified to answer your questions.


As for a long but fully detailed discourse on what to do before posting; and how to post a support request in a project's issue que, (again) see


### http://drupal.org/node/1480586 « This page's url