I’d like to structure permissions where all logged in users can edit nodes of a certain content type, but authors have a check option on their node which disable further editing by other users. So they can effectively "lock" the node.

Is this possible with existing modules?


WorldFallz’s picture

might be possible with http://drupal.org/project/nodeaccess

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Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
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dydecker’s picture

You can lock nodes with this mode


zeezhao’s picture

Hi. This is a bit old now... but please does anyone know the best way to do this i.e. Lock or Freeze a node from any further edits in D6. Necessary, if you do not want to enable further changes but allow users to still view the node

- I can't seem to get it done with: http://drupal.org/project/nodeaccess

- http://drupal.org/project/freeze_node is only for D5, and only does comments.

- http://drupal.org/node/203377 is also for D5...

Using the content_access module with acl, but at a node level the "edit content" tickbox can not be changed.


kbk’s picture

http://drupal.org/project/content_lock replaces the Checkout module although I don't see the relevance of either module.

#796868: Lock or Freeze a node from further edits
Indicates you should be able to do this with Rules and Content Access but I'm not having luck.

#436992: Is it possible to take away access from specific nodes?
Has more on the Rule and Content Access Approach

I'm still working on getting Rule + CA to work.