This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

A small module to simplify changing the comment settings for your nodes, initially designed to allow easy toggling between read only (freeze) and read/write (un-freeze) comment settings.

The module will add a "freeze / unfreeze" link to every node that does not have comments disabled. This is especially useful on forum/discussion topics. The links will be available to any user who has both the rights to edit the node in question and the permission "can freeze nodes they can edit".

In addition the module also defines 3 new node operations (which will become available on the admin/content/node page and via modules such as views bulk operations).

  1. Freeze and hide comments - set the comments to disabled
  2. Freeze comments - set the comments to read only
  3. Unfreeze (enable) comments - set the comments to read / write

Project information
