This is my attempt at creating a facebook clone using drupal 6.x, it's not really for any site. Just a personal project to see if I can do, not finished, working on it when time permits. Will remain free and avaliable for download (GPL lecense).

The demo is at:
account: demo/demo

You can download the module at:
Screenshot at:

CCK and Views were NOT used :) -- just download the module and install.
The only required moules are : jquery_update and jquery_ui ... but i recommend image and image_fupload

I quickly wrote some configuration instructions at:

Feel free to download the module and theme and hack away! I continuously update the module.
BTW. Theme was test on FF



zilla’s picture

okay, some stuff isn't working perfectly, like clicking status tab shows nothing, and clicking update is odd,changes name

BUT this is an amazing clone - design itself is a killer theme! is there a reason why you did all of this with a custom module instead of using existing modules, cck and views to present the information?

i love to waste time:

kenuck’s picture

Hi zilla,

thanks, the status tab only shows friends that have changed their status in the last week.
One main reason for using a custom module is to sharpen my drupal programing skills. The other reason is, I'm not a big fan of CCK and views. I like to be able to download a module , enable it without having to mess around :) Dont get me wrong, I think CCK and Views are great modules!

But to clone facebook requires a lot of finite control which only cutom modules can give. For example, drag n drop ordering of photos in the photo album ... wouldn't have a clue on how to implement that with CCK or views.

----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

nevets’s picture

A side note, CCK supports drag and drop ordering of fields with multiple values, this includes the image field.

wallbay1’s picture

Nice but how do you do drag and drop with CCK
I never heard of it

nevets’s picture

Lets say you have a content type with an image field and node with three images in the field. While editing the node you can grab one of the images. Lets say you grab the bottom image, you can drag it upward making it the 2nd or 1st image. Works the same way for other CCK fields that allow for multiple values.

minesota’s picture


Michelle’s picture

It is very nice and it looks like you did a good job. Still, though, it's sad to see all that energy go into something new instead of helping out one of the many modules already in this space.

Some examples but by no means a complete list:


See my Drupal articles and tutorials or come check out life in the Coulee Region.

bflora’s picture

There's lots of promise here, are you going to keep working on it? I saw lots of broken stuff in the demo.

kenuck’s picture

Yes, I'm still working on it.

I've just updated the demo with the latest version. Again, this is just a personal project so no real promises. But people are free to download it and hack away.
As of now I've implemented

- photo gallery (cutom w/ Image & image_fupload)
- privatemsg module
- OG module
- event (custom)
- poke (custom)
- friends (custom)

I've pretty much implemented most of the features I wanted, now its time to bug fix and beef up security .. and add more ajax .


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

johnchen88’s picture

Please keep us posted on your progress.


kenuck’s picture

A few of you have asked to be kept uptodate with regards to statusbook. I've created a newsletter which you can subscribe to.


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

mike.hobo’s picture

Have you looked into implementing a wall-to-wall feature? The privatemsg seems to have that.

kenuck’s picture

Yep, I've just implemented the wall-to-wall and updated the demo site :)
Next step is to get the friends lists to work.


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

speedking’s picture

It is very similar!

dkruglyak’s picture

... even though there are bugs here and there.

Could you create a project on to have issue queue and let others contribute to enhancing the code?

lias’s picture

thanks for posting

kenuck’s picture

I've thought about it and probably will further down the road. It's just that I'm currently use "svn" and don't feel like also using CVS or switching to CVS just yet. For now, you can post your issues and feature request at :


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

pkej’s picture

Very well done.

Paul K Egell-Johnsen

Paul K Egell-Johnsen

GiorgosK’s picture

It looks very good

Any plans to release it as a drupal module
with bug reports and issue queue ??

Geoland Web development / web marketing

Web Development

kenuck’s picture

Yes, if there's a demand for it.
But at the moment I'm usin SVN and don't feel like converting to CVS unless there's someone out there that knows how to maintain source using both SVN and CVS?


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

Steve Dondley’s picture

How can we support you in your work?


esllou’s picture

I'm going to be a bit contrarian here. As a technical work of "copying" another site, it's great. Really great. 10/10

but what possible practical application does it have? if someone wanted all that FB has to offer, well, they'd just go and sign up with FB, yes?

and, this is important, if you seriously think you'll EVER be able to just launch either a site or a module that allows others to launch sites that apes FB so blatantly, their lawyers are going to have you rethink your plans hyper fast. And their lawyers are richer than any you'll be able to get.

Personally, I wouldn't proceed very much further along this road. "Design" is intellectual property and you're are going to get your ass sued.

coltrane’s picture

I know only what the author and poster has said on this thread, but the answer to "what possible practical application does it have?" is its a "personal project to see if I can do [it]" and "sharpen my drupal programing skills". Those are pretty good reasons I think!

esllou’s picture

yes, but he's talking about putting a open-source module out there that will actively encourage blatant copyright infringement. THAT is the problem here. For that reason, it has no practical application other than landing himself and innocent, un-knowing others in court. Now do you get it?

kenuck’s picture

I’ll admit the theme is a blatant copy but only a fool would use it on a production site. There are also a number of already contributed facebook drupal themes for download.
I should hope noone will download the module and use as is. It’s a module for developers to hack away and as proof that it can be done.
Do remember that drupal themes are different from drupal modules.

So how about the functionality?
Photo gallery? → Image module
Groups? -> OG module
Wall? -> comment module
Friends? -> plenty already out there.

I doubt facebook will come after, they’ll probable go after these guys first:

I’m flattered that you think I’ve done a good enough job for facebook to come after me :)

Btw. Put a different theme on it and rename a few titles and it looks nothing like facebook.

But Since we are having this discussion, I won't put the module on Drupal --- just to be on the safe side :)


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

esllou’s picture

yeah, I think you need to be careful. Protection of "brand" is big business these days and you probably know just altering things to red or green and changing a few font sizes won't be enough.

I just think you need to offer a warning for anyone not to consider making a production site with this stuff as they could land themselves in hot water pretty damn quick.

I knew someone about 3 years ago who aped small parts of Amazon's "look and feel" and was lucky to escape with a VERY severely worded letter - and a threat about their next course of action should he not cease and desist. :-)))

kenuck’s picture

You're right, one can never be too careful. I've put a warning up on my site.

Maybe some day I'll get that letter from facebook ... I wonder if I can show it to my clients and say "I'm that good!" ... probably wishful thinking.


----------------------------------------- - Custom modules

grakhul’s picture

I think someone with your talent(after i saw what you did with your facebook clone). Coulda picked up about 10 modules on this site and made them 'much' better.

You facebook clone is hot, but I keep wondering - with your skillz - what you could have done with an already existing module that needs help. Not to offend anyone, but lord knows some of these other modules need some real help. Could concepts, but not completely 'fleshed' out to perfection.

Plus, like I saw in a post above. Not even for legal reasons, ppl know of the top 5 social networking sites. If I were to visit a niche networking site. I would probably be put off that it looks 'exactly' like facebook.

Though I would definitely apply the functionality of your clone to a different interface using a different theme.

"Look! its attack of the clones" (why did i have the overwhelming urge to say that?)

Michelle’s picture

That was my feelings in . He's obviously got talent and energy and time which are all things desperately needed around here and it seems like such a waste for them to go into an experiment when they could have been used to make existing solutions better. I know everyone scratches their own itches and this facebook clone was evidentally his itch. But it still makes me sad.


See my Drupal articles and tutorials or come check out life in the Coulee Region.

grakhul’s picture

It is the Beauty and the Bane of Open Source.

Part of the great thing about open source, is that you can take the software, modify and fork it to your own desire.

Part of the bad thing about open source, is that alot of good software falls by the wayside. Because instead of two or more talented ppl, putting all their effort into working on one excellent piece of software. These two ppl have have instead opted to each work on their own version of the same software. That most of the time remains unfinished or mediocre at best. Not from lack of creativity, inovation or effort but lack of ppl resources. You always get a great piece of software when Intelligent and talented ppl, can work together on an existing open source project. And no matter the personality conflicts, feature recommendations conflicts and design conflicts stick to the code and make it more functional and better.

daveparis’s picture

hey tell me, we are in free world not ? and america is also a free country ? :)

so I think he can work on HIS projects
developpement is not always very sexy, but at last we are free to create what WE want in our freetime

if you want him, pay him ! :)

or do the same in your project !

but I understand your frustration
I think you have to convainct him, so being very nice, not saying "hey man you are a bad man you didn't work on my projects !" ;)

for me I hope he'll going to maintain this module and develop it
because I'm in a lot of doubts about Drupal in social in front of specialized opensource like Elgg (and not buddy ^^)

Michelle’s picture

I didn't say he wasn't allowed to create it; I said I'm disappointed that he decided to go off on his own and not to work with the community. Please don't put words in my mouth.

As for maintaining, this post is over 6 months old and I haven't seen anything come of it. It seems to be just an experiment, nothing more. I wouldn't recommend anyone use it for a production site unless they are prepared to resolve any issues themselves.


daveparis’s picture

well like he said himself it's not for a production site
but it's great to learning, and perhaps improve it

hum I think opensource community is freedom, not duty, think's god ! ^^
never forget innovation is based on liberty

but I understand you want to improve community modules
why don't use his work he shared (think's to him !) to improve the social general modules ?

I hope your projects work good

take care

Michelle’s picture

Actually, there's quite a bit of duty involved in open source. The difference is that it's self imposed. Most module creators don't just toss their modules out and say take it or leave it. They work hard to make the module the best it can be and help folks to use the module as much as they are able. This isn't a duty forced on us, except maybe those who do it as part of their job, but one we undertake when we release a module to the community.

Why don't I use his work? Because he didn't build on existing solutions. That's the issue here. If you re-invent the wheel and add a new feature that isn't compatable with existing wheels, then your new feature is just going to sit out there as wasted effort.


daveparis’s picture

you are right to be careful with legal

but, come on !
now the social abilities are not a secret
the design is just an example
the important is the capacities and functionnalities

we are in programming here, not in marketing !

if it can help people to run their basic social network and improve it whith their ideas it's great !

helping innovation is good !

or perhaps you think drupal will have to close because it copy basic design websites ? :)

esllou’s picture

I would kindly suggest you go and use a dictionary to look up the word innovation. The guy admits himself he's copying as a sort of dev experiment. The word you are looking for is "imitation". Begins with the same letter and same number of syllables. Easily confused, I grant you.

websupportguy’s picture

If anyone really thinks Facebook is going to sue over something like this, they need to go and look at how Ektron promotes their commercial CMS ... one of their "starter kits" is a dead-set clone of MySpace. No-one has sued them for it because no-one can. It does not use or copy MySpace proprietary code, just hands together bits of Ektron functionality that create a similar environment ... and they've even cloned the basic look and feel of MySpace too. Ektron has plenty of money so they'd be worth suing if there was a case to be made. There's not, so get over it.

Kenuck, nice job. I like your work.


WorldFallz’s picture

Are you kidding? First of all, myspace != facebook. Second of all Zuckerberg is absurdly lawsuit happy-- they're trying to claim copyright over the words "face" and "book" in any website domain:,0,3625...

StarPower-Com’s picture

just looked at the site, its very good clone. But wondering if any of its compatible with 5x.


toma’s picture

Great job, i wonder if i can use your modules in my drupal website with a different theme and look! many social website have similar fonctionality that use facebook, all i want that my user can have there own profile/photos,/blogs can have and add friends etc, iv seen a hack/module by vbulletin using vbulletin as facebook clone! and many websites using the prog!

How about funding a social module project for drupal ??! we can make donations , have a group of developpers to do the job, everyone will be interested! What do you think ??


kenuck’s picture

Hi Toma,

Thanks, I don't see why you can't use the module with another theme. Although, you'll probably need to do a lot of hacking to get the CSS to work properly with other themes. That being said, I will be implementing statusbook on another theme I'm currently developing so I'll keep you all posted.

As for funding a social module project ... this forum probably isn't the best place to propose such an idea. Perhaps a better place would be the social network group in ? Maybe post there and see what responses you'd get :)

@Starpower-com -> there's no plan for a 5.x version and probably won't be ... sorry :(

----------------------------------------- - Custom Drupal modules

portait’s picture

It would be such a waste of time if this project would be dropped. You don't even have to copy the facebook theme since it is copyrighted and there are plenty of nice opensource themes. The most important part is functionality and how you lead the visitor around the site. And I think that you have done a great job.

Personally I would love to see the following:
- imagefield module being integrated
- let users participate in groups

Ajax profile Tabs
- Write Blog: let users create blog entries from their profile
- Add Video: let users post youtube / myspace / google videos from their profile

CocoPop’s picture

I wasn't expecting such an amazing clone! Fantastic job - you've really done something quite incredible and I commend you for that.

I don't know how in the world you did that, but it shows how much one can do with drupal.

timmillwood’s picture

Sorry, but I have to agree with Michelle.


Millwood Online
Blog to it
Spun Designs
IB Community Theme

zdean’s picture

This is an interesting project.

One of the things I noticed is that it looks like you've created a pretty complete solution for creating photo albums.

I'm trying to incorporate just the photo album part of what you have done here (using D6). Is it possible to isolate that part of your project? If so, how would you go about implementing it into another site?


kenuck’s picture

Hi zdean,

It should be possible as the module only uses the Image module and the image_fupload module. I'm going to attempt to isolate the photo album this weekend, let you know how it goes.


----------------------------------------- - Custom Drupal modules

zdean’s picture

Any luck with this? I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it.


kenuck’s picture

HI zdean,

I did manage to implement it into another set, you can see it in action at:

However, I took out the "tagging" system as this project didn't require it. So it's not fully integrated. But at least I know it can be done :)

Contacft me via PM if you'd like the module.


----------------------------------------- - Custom Drupal modules

wallbay1’s picture

To all of you who fear Court
I have training in corporate Law
the bottom line you can have a software working the same as facebook, especially because for example their message feature may not be using the same techs spec. as privatemsg for example. designing a messae system is not really a proprietary. Otherwise Facebook would been sued by myspace, hi5 etc...
Now they may try to scare you just so you give up on your venture but the reality is they cannot win on that basis.

Also why not have this module? who said you ll only use it to design a facebook like website? you can create other type of community based on specific interest example: guitar lover, Dogs, designer etc....
Man continue to improve that module,
there are in my opinion no base for you to get sued, and even if it happen they cannot win it.

someone up mentioned Money, the fact is Facebook don't have time to go after small site , if they take time to sue you it mean you are big or becoming big, so that means you have money flowing and since there are no base for them to win on (well that will even get you more publicity)

My english is a little bit rusty but I hope I made a compelling case

daveparis’s picture

just one thing, it's not because the company can't win there is no danger
because the big company can pay a lot of lawers - and you are just an alone developper or a little company who survive :)

but I don't think there is risk in this case
it could be great, you would become famous, the man who can recreate single facebook ! :)

voipfc’s picture

I think it is good idea to write your own modules once in while. CCK has probably created an excuse for people not to learn Drupal in depth as well as they can. I know that to be the case with myself.

It is refreshing to see someone who is willing to dive in and get in touch with Drupals internals. The small size of the code at 85kb is remarkable.

Quintessentially | Supremely | American

drupalize’s picture

I own a social network. Contact me.

EkaMei’s picture

This is nothing short of amazing, it demonstrates how flexible Drupal is and give us a taste of how much possibility is still out there waiting for us to explores with Drupal

I see a few people who fears law suit, but this is really not an issue for most of the world. (Assuming you are not in America). I also see a few people who are sadden with the effort going into some form of a fork rather then using existing module, however this effort will no doubt bringing in people who have yet to know how flexible drupal as a platform. Considers it a technical demo, considers it a show off, considers whatever you want, but please, don't call his effort wasted. Please support him for that is what open source stands for: take what you like, do what you want, and share your effort.

Also, keep in mind the author of this project have been very willing to shares his effort, and even mention isolating part of his project for other people to use. Maybe some of you can help do the isolation as well, since he have the code freely available. I don't think developing those module into a standalone one would all that much effort to be considered "wasted".

Once again please keep up the good work! I don't find myself needing a facebook clone at the moment, but in the future, who know?

3lite’s picture

Very Sexy! =]
I like...

luckysmack’s picture

I agree with wallbay. Facebook would have no interest in sueing him or even be able to. for one because of this forum there is documented proof that netrift has not claimed that he came up with all the deisgns himself. He is not trying to make a FB clone and say it was all his idea, thats whats called 'IP' or Intellectual Property. He is not claiming the IP of what he has created, he stated it is for proof of concept, to test his own skills, and to learn how to get certain functionality for a social networking site. Coming up with a similar idea than someone else is not a problem. The only thing here that will ever cause an issue is him trying to say he came up with all the ideas himself and are his alone, even then i dont think facebook would be able to win any settlement due to the fact that it doenst even have all the functionality of facebook, if if it did its not based on the same technology. This is based off of drupal. Face book is based off of, well Facebooks API.

But aside from that, i have to say the module is amazing. Great job. I hope that something comes from this in the future. Using other themes and letting users add what functionality they want. Great job

"The level of our success is limited only by our imagination" -Aesop

esllou’s picture

Your knowledge of IP brings to mind the expression, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". IP is what it says it is...the intellectual property, ideas, etc of another person. Acknowledging that you are stealing someone else's work changes NOTHING. Maybe you are getting confused with the idea of "fair use" which is very different.

I stand firmly by what I said on this thread weeks and weeks ago. If the OP releases this project and allows multiple people to start publically hosting sites that ape FB's look and feel so closely, the site creators themselves and possibly the OP is going to get into hot water. If these people live in China where IP is blatantly ignored, then fine, go for it.

OutCast’s picture

I'm not so sure that is the case at all anymore, FaceBook has now went open source and is offering the code to developers to use! So not so sure this would get anyone into trouble anymore. After the theme he made is a very nice starter theme to add to and make something new from a base if you will, It even has suckerfish working great so IMO well worth playing around with!

Is anyone still working on this project? I do believe it is the best idea and script in the works that I have seen for drupal in long time. But still a bit buggy I'm afraid

esllou’s picture

read the third paragraph very carefully. FB going open source does NOT mean you can set up your own site copying what they do. It does mean you can build applications/API that ride on the back of facebook.

very different things.

kobnim’s picture

subscribing ...

sarmiluv’s picture

From where do I download the facebook theme. I see the module but don't see the theme.

Audiowave’s picture

Good job on the site, but have you thought about that footer thing facebook has, with the chat function.

luckysmack’s picture

the footer would be one thing. a good css file and a little javascript could take care of that.

The chat function on the otherhand is another beast altogether. That would more likely be a seperate module all together with some code in it to support the 'facebook toolbar' if the user had it enabled, which would likely be a seperate module a swell. though both would be a pretty cool feature

"The level of our success is limited only by our imagination" -Aesop

Cannon Fodder: "The term derives from fodder - food for livestock - howe

echoman74’s picture

is a big cope out tryin any technical skill to make you scared. The fact is social networks are social networks and if the case was copying a project like everyone does with making social networks everyone would sue each other. For example look how many scripting projects like buddyzone an exact replica of the famous myspace theme.IF AND I SAY IF NETRIFT SAID HE WAS "FACEBOOK" then there are more cases than one of being sued.
Don't let others tell you that you can or can't make a "theme" you can do what you want.It's your project feel free and just improve it even better, Because personally i think facebook is ugly and crappy looking. Remember one thing Friendster was and has the legal patent of being the first social network.

My best advice seek professional legal representation,through a professional and see what you are and aren't aloud to do and not listen to another user from drupal to make you feel you have done something horribly wrong you have a skill and in most cases there are people that might just be JEALOUS of your skill.
Anyways congrats to you and hope you might come up with a myspace type module. :)

Michelle’s picture

Copying another site too closely can get you sued. I'm not a laywer and am not going to judge whether this project has crossed the line, but advising the developer to be careful is sound advice. Suggesting that those who did so did it out of jealousy is ridiculous.


See my Drupal articles and tutorials or come check out life in the Coulee Region.

echoman74’s picture

When i said this i meant that not making an exact replica of the same site and i quote;
"My best advice seek professional legal representation,through a professional and see what you are and aren't aloud to do and not listen to another user from drupal to make you feel you have done something horribly wrong " or make you feel less of a person. You have a skill and in most cases there are people that might just be JEALOUS of your skill."
I didn't say he did it out of jealously! I said it was done very well and those might be jealous of his skills. Now to point out yet again "BUDDYZONE" can make scripts and sell them to make a myspace like site i wouldn't see why he wouldn't either but as i said get legal representation first before go public. Piece parts of your script and make it your own project. You aren't selling your script an see nothing illegal, a
gain find out from a professional.

best regards.

kenuck’s picture

Hi All,

Thank you for your kind and cautious words. But please realize that this project is nothing more than just a proof of concept project. It's just meant to show the power and flexibility of Drupal. I've tried to keep silent for the most part but I feel it's time to put in my 2cents.

Legal ramification:
Not too much fear here -> I've mentioned time and time to not use this project as is , especially the theme ... it will require heavy customization. If facebook wants to sue me then that just means I've done one hell of a job. Lets be honest here, I don't think we'd be having this discussion had I used a different theme and titled my original post to say "my attempt at a social network site" :) Because, underneath it all, it's just a bunch of drupal modules (customized) put together in a certain way. So for this I apologize.

Had i somehow gone in and copied each line of programming code from facebook and claim it to be my own then I'd be in a lot of trouble (opensource or not).

----------------------------------------- - Custom Drupal modules

daveparis’s picture

"this project has crossed the line"

hey, be careful man, it's dangerous when you make a too much good project, it cross the line ! ;)

[sorry couldn't resist]

WorldFallz’s picture

And you need to find something better to do than add 5 posts to the same old dead thread.

[sorry couldn't resist]

daveparis’s picture

old dead perhaps, but interesting for me :)

think's for your concern :)

but, oups ! Has I crossed the line myself ? damned !

JubW’s picture

Great modules. Keep up the good work

Web Hosting Coupons

tomahwk’s picture

Just thought I would add something to this.

This facebook clone would be ideal for running a small private family social network. Think no ADS! No signing your personal info away to Facebook INC. This seems like a great alternative.

Keep up the amazing work!

mariusooms’s picture


Don't let other developers put you down. What YOU have done in YOUR free time is amazing! Now what other DEVELOPERS can do is take and learn from this. After all... there are no secrets here. Keep it up, I'm keeping tabs on the progress.



portait’s picture

Your module would become far more popular if if you would release statusbook as an official supported module hosted on drupal. I am sure that a lot of drupal users would like to use it knowing that it won't vanish once installed.

vertazzar’s picture

damn its so freaking awesome

lungtung’s picture

so how long take you to build that ? ;P

foolsky’s picture

I love this module!!!! What a wonderful work you've done! Please keep on developing for people like me.

kenuck’s picture

thanks guys!

just wanted to give a quick update. It's been a bit slow (very busy with other projects) but just made a break through last night. It looks like statusbook will have the ability to exported gmail contacts and email invitations. Manage to get the google contact API to work :)


j0k3z’s picture

Very nice work! Cant wait to see where this goes.

netboss’s picture

This is a very well done job. Just keep on doing it, it's your pet project!

vigneshr35’s picture

Great work Netrift..But what i wanted to clarify is , can i have stand alone modules for the different features that u have in the site you have created. i.e; Suppose i want to use the friends display part on the left panel or only the 'Wall' and 'wall to wall' posting, then can i have separate modules for the same . The reason i'm asking for so much is, i have my own profile page created and want to use some of those features in your demo site in my Site.

If that is not possible, please do give me some suggestions as to how i can find the same kind of support anyhow or try to do that on my own.I would like to list you with the kind of features i need (abstracted from your demo site), so that u can give me some guidance on how i can go about.

Thank You very Much.

Once again...Great Job.....Cheers really....

jonasy’s picture

You have done some amazing work here. I do hope you find a comfortably legal way to make this a reality as a Drupal module. Just fantastic!!

wa2nlinux’s picture

What a great job ... I can wait to try it at home :D

radiofranky2009’s picture

when I upload images, it won't go under the album name I specified. Nothing will show under the album but images will become individual "image" nodes.

could you help?


Yuki’s picture


Yourband’s picture

This looks really nice. i will have to give it a real test later tonight.

portait’s picture

As far as I can tell has the development of the project been discontinued with a lot of open bugs.

ocamp’s picture

along time ago aswell.

Michelle’s picture

Well, he did say it was just a personal project. The good news is that work on various contributed modules that you need to build sites similar to Facebook has continued on. :)


Anonymous’s picture

People already use FACEBOOK for Facebook. A clone will never work. Our universe is governed by the power law that states only a minority of something can own the majority of something. Only a small number of sites can be really big like Facebook.

(Read Philip Ball's How One Thing leads To Another, an eye-opener of how the world realyl works. We are mathematical functions and behave that way in groups.)

Yuki’s picture

it will work who wants have into their company inside

portait’s picture

Well, I am not intending to become another facebook company but rather being able to offer our existing community social features which are commonly used on sites like facebook or myspace.

strong2000’s picture

First of all, your module is great and I am so glad you took the time to write it. I read where some people who have no idea what they are talking about, had some negative comments. A lot of people would want the module you have rather than be on FB. I happen to be one of many. Second, there is NO copyright issues around the great work you are doing. My business IS Intellectual Property. Here are some points:

1. First, The Module Is Great!

2. This is not a copyright issue. The only way it would be a copyright issue is if you literally took a screenshot of FB and mimicked it exactly, i.e. colors dimmensions, the programming grid... It would have to be 1:1 which this is not.

3. Who would want this? Many! I am on FB but I want a "running" type of script that focuses on my niche (just like many others)

4. You really know what your are doing... It is obvious that those who have chimed in to say you have done something wrong a.) on't know what they are talking about, b.) don't have the skills you do what you have done, c.) are probably under-achievers that need to get a real life and make their own "mark" in the world (instead of being a "skid mark") and having "fake" negative things to say.

5. Lastly, YouTube is huge... Ever wonder why (even the seemingly exact YouTube clones) have not been sued by YouTube's mega-parent???? The reason is, they would lose. Why? because in order to win, it has to be exact.

6. End of story.

Again, Fantastic work and your skills are great Kenuck! Keep it up!

esllou’s picture

member for an hour and you post that as your first post? Hmmm....

your post contains at least four verifiably false statements and you shouldn't spread your own ignorance to others who might believe them.

It's not my job on a sunday morning to correct your errors, but did want to post these links for others who want to know the real facts about website design intellectual property theft:

and finally some examples of website design theft, NONE of which are "1:1 clones":

Michelle’s picture

This was an experiment that someone did nearly 2 years ago that puts on a nice show but then what? Do you really want to download a 2 year old module that doesn't show any signs of having a future? If you base your site on this, what are you going to do when Drupal 6 is no longer supported? I stand by what I said back then. Building on existing modules would have been a better idea than going off on his own to re-create the wheel.


madhusudan’s picture

@kenuck very good work..

but i see no further development of this module!. please keep updating your work. and create your project page in

Change is the only Constant

racthree’s picture

If I want to build something like this in Drupal 7, what modules will allow me to achieve this? Thank you.

nevets’s picture

There is a version at, though it says the module is available I do not see a way to download it. You may need to send the original author of this post an email using their contact form and see if they respond.

donv3to’s picture

man please this is great i want to download it but i dont know why i cant when i click download link ..!

Yuki’s picture

When it can be released or is there any other initiatives of facebook clone???
I know the drupal commons but its not like Facebook style rather complicated for general users to understand the concept...
facebook style is really straight forward...

atifah’s picture

the link for download of code for facebook clone is not working ....
kindly send me the code for facebook clone

JohnnyX’s picture

Looks great, but no module download and register at sandbox side doesn't work? I get no registration email and so can't login/ test...

Michelle’s picture

This thread is 2.5 years old. Not all experiments stay around forever...


coltrane’s picture

I'm closing comments on this thread because its not necessary to continue discussion about it, the code is no longer applicable and the author has not been supportive.