I think it would be useful to have a node for total node counts. Right now I can arrange by vote results. But that means an item with 1 vote of 5 will be as high as an item with 20 votes of 5. Is there anyway to arrange by vote count, as well as voting results?


quicksketch’s picture

There is an Views option for total vote counts, but it'll only do you a small amount of good for sorting. Sort first by vote percentage, then by vote count. This will make your view sort all items similar to this:

Item 2 (5 stars, 20 votes)
Item 3 (5 stars, 2 votes)
Item 1 (5 stars, 1 votes)
Item 4 (4.9 stars, 120 votes)

You might expect the on with 4.9 stars and 120 votes to be above item 3 (but not above item 2?). It's hard to say what's correct here. You might also filter your View so that items with less than 5 votes don't get included at all. I don't know a way of making it so that they would show up, but only at the bottom.

sammyman’s picture

I don't see any node for total vote count? Where might I find this node?

Voting API results: Function
The aggregate function used to calculate the result.
Voting API results: Tag
An optional tag to group multi-criteria results.
Voting API results: Timestamp
The time the results were calculated.
Voting API results: Value
The value of an individual cast vote.
Voting API results: Value type
The nature of the results in question (points, percentage, etc).
Voting API votes: IP Address
The IP address of the user who cast the vote.
Voting API votes: Tag
An optional tag to group multi-criteria votes.
Voting API votes: Timestamp
The time the vote was cast.
Voting API votes: User
The user who cast the vote.
Voting API votes: Value
The value of an individual cast vote.
Voting API votes: Value type
The nature of the vote being cast (points, percentage, etc).

quicksketch’s picture

It is part of "Voting API results: Value", when "Voting API results: Function" == 'count'.

sammyman’s picture

So do I setup a relationship for "Voting API results: Value" with Value type: points, Vote tag: vote, Aggregation function: count, and then setup a sorting option for "Voting API results: Function" with the relationship above? I tried that but for some reason it is not working...

quicksketch’s picture

Yep, pretty close, only your value type should be "percentage", not "points".

sammyman’s picture

Hmmm. Still not working.

I setup this test


It is only being sorted by the following:

"Voting API results: Value" with Value type: percentage, Vote tag: vote, Aggregation function: count, and then setup a sorting option for "Voting API results: Function" with the relationship above?

There are no other relationships... This is awfully strange.

sammyman’s picture

Still haven't figured this out. I think there is a bug when trying to use the "count" function.

quicksketch’s picture

Category: task » support
Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

sammyman opened a duplicate here: #357212: Node for Vote Count?

I tested this again and it's still working fine. There's not any more I can do to help.

AntiNSA’s picture

Priority: Normal » Critical
Status: Closed (fixed) » Active

I have selected the Vote Results Relationship
I have tried both require and not require and they both do not work,
Vote tag: Normal Vote
Vote Results:Function

and for my view I only have the word "count" and not the number of votes that were made for the node.

I can get the average rating, and my rating... why not the total votes?

AntiNSA’s picture

Priority: Critical » Normal
AntiNSA’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

ok I got it. Set your relationships first. Then you need to also selecect vote results:value and match it to your set relationship, Exclude the function from the display.

popestepheng’s picture

I have this problem too... I setup the Voting Results Relationship for Voting Result for Number of Vote ( I also have one for average )

but one, when I add the field for number of votes, all it says is "count" in the field display, not a number, , and in the filter section, when I select Voting Results (Number of votes) field, it only gives me string like filters, not numbers.

glitz’s picture

unable to show simply the 5 start disply showing avg rating, with a colum next to it showing the total number of votes.

do someone have a screenshot of how this is set up?

glitz’s picture

got it thanks

calefilm’s picture

If any of you have the opportunity to demonstrate a programming procedure please do so! It will help a lot of people in the long run and help Drupal grow much faster Luck!

Add View

Style: Table


Filter to content type of which relationship is defined
(in my case I have two content types, "product" and "review". I followed this tutorial before I set up anything: http://drupal.org/node/457886 )


Add Relationship

Select Node
-Node: Vote results


Value type: Percent
Vote tag: this is a label of one of your node ratings already created
Aggregation function: number of votes (or input count)


Add field

Select Vote Results

Select Function

Select corresponding chosen relationship


Add field

Select Vote Results

Select Vote results: Value

Choose appearance

Select corresponding chosen relationship



Select Vote results

Vote Results: Function