
Download date-6.x-2.0.tar.gztar.gz 516.51 KB
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SHA-256: 4a56858fe3c52e0075849075108ff3144821bb1b93aa67ec2487cb8aca8773db

Release notes

- #376880 Move back/next symbols back into link.
- Exposed filter was not testing empty values correctly.
- Add Advanced help for new formatter settings.
- Add formatter settings for node and view to control which multiple value to display when.
- Improve interpretation of argument date ranges.
- Improve handling of translation for Date repeat rules.
- #347645 Mark 'To date' required if it is.
- #345215, #309921 Rework the way multiple 'From date' and 'To date' fields are identified in validation errors.
- #375551 The 'All day' formatting should not be applied to format_interval formats.
- Date PHP4: fix inconsistency in offset computation for first two hours of the day dst changes.
- Date PHP4: eliminate some needless cycles to improve performance.
- Add test files to import RRULEs in .ics, all day dates in .ics, and date info in .csv formats used by Yahoo Calendar and Outlook.
- iCal TRIGGER can either be a date or a duration.
- Fix to iCal: alter the end date of all day events to match the to date.
The ical practice of setting the End date as the next day won't work for our interal use of this value.
- Fix to iCal: leave 'all day' notice in the individual date components as well
as the top level so it is available in each portion of the VEVENT array, needed for FeedAPI parsing.
- Fix broken date link in calendar created by Date Tools.
- Make the default value for the 'To date' easier to see in the field settings.
- Update date argument summary for recent changes in Views.
- #345077 Make sure duplicate copies of the date field each get to theme the raw, unaltered, data.
- #375551 Fix fatal typo in reworked date_format_date() function.
- #338253 Re-work the Date repeat description to provide more context for translations.
- #338253 Re-work date_t() to create a more robust method of handling translations of abbreviations and other short strings.
- The date filter should not be setting the view dates, the style should do that.
- Add 'value' and 'value2' hints to views fields and use new CCK views data.
- Give the Date browser a better path with no underscore.
- #370961 Date format update was not PostgreSQL-safe.
- #337301 Move hook_schema_alter from date_api.module to date_api.install.
- #367688 Fix date format css to display remove link better.
- Add our custom date formats as values on the core locale form so we don't get errors on submission if they are missing.
- #348241 Don't unset view copy on node because it interferes with template suggestions. Need to watch this for possible performance problems.
- #364770 Add new date link needs to convert underscore to hyphen.
- Can't use date-clear attribute on timezone list.
- #370092 Add all-day checkbox to date field and use it in calendar.
- #347090 Fix southern hemisphere timezone adjustment for PHP4.
- Make sure un-exposed filter checks for defaults to find values like 'now'.
- Fix bug that caused date_select to end up as current date.
- #364919 Fix typo in html link for date format information.
- #360670 Rework date_range to better handle absolute as well as relative years in argument and filter.
- #367970 Fix date filter bugs, better handling for partial dates and force date popup to use the right default value.
- #313369 Repeating date with exceptions created error when exceptions data is appended.
- #363424 Empty value should be object, not array.
- Fix bad PHP4 regex that caused endless looping in calendar and broken logic elsewhere.
- by stella, nedjo, grugnog2, and catch: #318008 Create new system for handling flexible date formats that can be adapted by locale.
- Make sure prev/next links point to the right path when another argument precedes the date argument and is empty.
- Don't try to set date argument when another argument precedes it.
- Make sure theme functions can be discovered even when called from unexpected places, like embedded views.
- Make the PHP4 code forgiving enough to accept '+ 1 month' instead of '+1 month'.
- Overcome Views form handling to make sure text and Date popup exposed filters will default to the right values.
- #348276 Remove class date-clear-block from timezone element.
- #217153 Remove asterisks from custom format now that they are explained in advanced help.
- #292942 Only load timezone js file in timezone forms.
- #313427 Don't add the date field to the view, it may be enough to join the table in.
- #356564 Add Date popup option for exposed date filters.
- #349306 Incorporate year range into date filter year option.
- #312403 Add NULL/NOT NULL handling to date filter.
- #356305 Date filters needed a rewrite to properly handle between with more than one date field.
- #350656 Fix broken handling for 'time ago'.
- #307578 Add permissions for viewing date repeats tab.
- Clean out unused part of Date Popup jQuery code for easier maintenance.
- #347080 Fix PHP4 southern timezone computation and New Zealand region.
- #353327 Check for Event 2 timezone table before trying to use it.
- #310633 Rework 'all day' logic to correctly handle increments.
- #345953 Fix report of update failure from missing content_check_update() function.
- #348157 Beautiful new datepicker popup themes and images from hass. Thanks!
- #357226 Don't translate menu items.
- #357094 Remove extra parenthesis.
- #346752 Add RTL css code.
- #324290 Don't validate when $items is empty.
- #348375 Add missing php tags in template.
- #347878 Translation fixes.
- Add new module 'Date tools' with date wizard to easily create a simple date content type with an auto-configured related calendar.
- #313704 Make sure date db timezone does not get removed before token handling.
- #313704 Fix token 'From date' value that was using 'To date' value.
- #327897 Fix To-view token in
- #345862 Fix missing close comment tag in datepicker css.
- Date input and display formats were not properly defaulting to the site default values.
- Improve the template and css for the exposed date filter to keep date parts lined up next to each other.
- Fix handling for fixed date default value in date filter.
- Get rid of DURATION time part details in iCal array, we only need the DATA and DURATION.
- #282521 Do more work on LOCATION to split out UID and handle odd location identifiers.
- Add more error trapping to ical parser.
- Add handling to ical parser for odd location format.
- #341705 Fix broken iCal DURATION parsing.
- Add some protection against empty or missing info in ical parser.
- #343126 Fix date argument handler type assignment.
- #343190 Add validity testing to date_api_ical_build_rrule().
- #307166 Make sure timestamps with missing granularity parts in select widgets get defaulted to empty values and saved correctly.
- #341203 Make sure there is no SQL error if there are no fields.
- Add ability to analyze a period to period argument, like P1M--P1Y.
- Adapt Date Argument/Date Browser code to work correctly if only a period is used.
- #324063 Remove unneeded break.
- #320596 Add hook to date_api_fields() so custom modules can add date fields to the Date argument and filter.
- #341964 Get missing back/next links back in year.
- Add date_increment_round() to date_content_generate to make sure generated dates match increment settings.
- Move Date repeat form help to Advanced Help instead of using collapsed fieldset.

Created by: KarenS
Created on: 27 Feb 2009 at 17:35 UTC
Last updated: 1 Aug 2018 at 21:28 UTC
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Bug fixes

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