
The same technique used in the "Basic usage" section can be used for custom content types using any of the standard CCK field types, including nodereferences. One feature of using Deploy in the more complex content types is that if you deploy a node that noderferences another node, then both nodes will be pushed to the remote server. Deploy will continue following nodereferences down the chain until all dependencies have been accounted for.

In order for this to work you will need to enable the 'Deploy Nodereferences' modules at admin/build/modules on your source server.

Other than that the process for deploying more complex node types is exactly the same as that used for basic node types.

System Settings

You can push system settings by enabling the Deploy System Settings module on the source site and the System Settings Service module on the destination site. Settings are only pushed through a deployment plan, so at least one must be created first. On each settings page on the source site a new dropdown will appear at the bottom of the page which allows you to add the settings from that page to a deployment plan of your choice.


cloudbull’s picture

As title, that is i cant find it or not ready for D7 ?


Drupal, AWS, DevOps