List of implemented mappers

Last updated on
11 March 2021

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When storing information of a source in a node, define which source information should be stored in which field. Mapping in core is available for basic (cck) fields. Feeds allows other modules to define additional mapping the data to targets by way of alter hooks, these become available in 'mapping' depending on the selected processor.

This mapping to available fields is depended on 'mappers'. This is a list of implemented mappers.

Implemented fields

  1. title
  2. body
  3. published date
  4. langage code
  5. taxonomy
  6. date
  7. text
  8. number_integer
  9. number_decimal
  10. number_float
  11. link
  12. filefield (downloads the depended file)
  13. pollfield
  14. location (with helper module Location Feeds)
  15. KML, GML, WKT, EWKB (with helper module PostGIS)
  16. ubercart product (with helper module Ubercart Feeds)
  17. geotaxonomy
  18. emvideo
  19. emimage
  20. organic groups
  21. content taxonomy
  22. emailfield
  23. media field (with helper module Media Feeds)

Feature Requests For Mappers

More mappers are becoming available. They are a work in progress.

cck email #718414: Feeds mapper for email field
cck user reference #748582: Mapper for CCK User reference
cck redirection #828248: Mapper for CCK Redirecton
cck phone #959106: Feeds mapper for phone CCK fields (d6) #1361084: Feeds Mapper for Phone field needed (d7)
cck OpenLayers #624850: Mapper for Openlayers CCK
casetracker #826490: Mapper for casetracker
cck nodereference #724536: Mapper for nodereference field in Drupal 6
CCK money field #628354: Add support for Money as a Feeds mapping target
book #700476: Mapper for Book module (D7)
cck formatted number #838018: Mapper for Formatted Number CCK
cck workflow states #948842: Mapper for workflow states
cck multigroup #866044: Mapper for CCK multigroup
cck address #974640: Mapper support for the Addresses module #1023068: Feeds mapper for Address Field
Entity reference #1616680: Handle more mapping keys in Feeds integration
Double field #1392748: Integration with feeds module
Node Hierarchy #1611464: Node Hierarchy Extras for 7.x
Number Double #2888603: Integration with feeds module
Numeric Interval #1781638: Add support for feeds module

To build your own mapper, have a look at The developer's guide to Feeds - mapping API

Multiple Values

Mapping respects multiple values. It is also possible to map different sources to the same target.

Default Values

Mapping should respect default values but so far, this is not implemented.
#705588: CCK field default value's not getting picked up

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