Media Internet Mapper

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module is the Drupal 7 solution for Media Feeds Integration. It provides mappers for the Feeds module. The target can be a Media asset, image or file field on an entity (such as a node).

When you define your field mappings, you'll simply see a new target field.


  • Media asset field, image field or file field on an entity as a target
  • Embed string or URL that can be claimed by a media_internet provider as a source
  • Map existing files from the media library
  • Reference remote files using the Remote stream wrapper module
  • FeedsEnclosure as a source
  • Works with Mailhandler attachments.

Screencast: Using Media Feeds with PEG.TV to create a carousel of videos (thank you, kreynen).

Another scenario: Importing a YouTube Video Feed into Media Module (thank you, EvanDonovan).

Dependencies: Feeds, Media (7.x-2.x)

You could also install media_internet providers (such as Media: Flickr or Media: YouTube).

By design:

  • There is no permission control for Feeds mappers, other than the default Feeds permissions. This means that users who can import feeds, won't need the add media from remote sources permission. Also, users who can define mappings, don't need any additional permissions to do so. #1191056: Permission policy.

Project information
