This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Things left to do are:
* Fix all open issues
* Finish work on the D7 version of the module.
* Considering merging this module with the reroute email module, so the reroute module will have a basic tab for just turning rerouting on/off and an advanced tab which will have all the functionality of this module.
* Look at implementing additional features

Please contact me if you are interested.

IMPORTANT: Drupal 6 may still send emails which have been assigned the 'Block' rule. If this happens, use the 'Reroute' rule instead.

Block, Allow or Reroute E-mails based on the mail ID. Each mail ID rule can reroute to a primary or specific E-mail address.

The Advanced Mail Reroute module is very easy to use and is designed to be used on both development and production sites.

It is useful if:
* You are working on a production site and suddenly want to block automated E-mails being sent (e.g. newsletters) but want to still allow all other E-mails (i.e. New account creation and Password reset E-mails).
* You are working on a development site with a database from production and you want to block all automated E-mails being set to all site users, or reroute some or all types of E-mails to your own E-mail address.
* You are working on a development site and want to reroute E-mails to yourself, but sent some types of E-mails to other people to deal with.

Main Features:
* Automatically populates rule table as new Mail IDs are discovered
* Configurable default rule for each newly discovered Mail ID rule (Allow, Block, or Reroute)
* Has override functionality to Allow, Block, or Reroute all E-mails.
* Database log of all E-mails the site tries to send and what action was taken. (Can be turned off)

More complex rules will be added in the future. Feature requests are welcome.


This project is sponsored by Davyin. We provide specialist consulting services in Enterprise Drupal, Visit us at

Project information

  • caution Seeking co-maintainer(s)
    Maintainers are looking for help reviewing issues.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Integrations
  • chart icon1 site reports using this module
  • By Anonymous on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
