This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Module to connect and control contributed API's to work seamlessly together.

The module will provide an ORM to use freely without worrying about which contributed API's are enabled/available. Modules will now be dependant on a set of API's within the API framework, rather than adding integration to each API individually.

Example use cases:
- "get_friends" : lots of user relationship modules can handle this request. But module A does not want to know about that modules, they only want to call get_friends.
- "open_modal" : Contribution module A could have integration for all modal api's (modal framework api, popups api, ...) but better would be to ask the apiframework.


$uids = APIFramework::get_instance('user_relations')->invoke('get_friends'); 

So there is no hard depency anymore between the requesting module and the module that can handle the request, since all such calls go through APIFramework.

As this module is too late for drupal6, it might be better to do it for drupal7

Project information

  • Created by Stalski on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
