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The autoresponder module allow a site visitor to sign up for a series of emails sent each day via a cron job (uses Drupal Cron).

A site visitor wants to sign up for a N-day series of emails. In a block, he enters his email address, select
a preferable set of emails and clicks submit. Any emails in the system set to 'Day 0' are immediately sent. Each day thereafter, a cron job triggers the sending of emails appropriate for that day (the day user is on). If at any point the user wishes to unsubscribe, he can click a simple link at the bottom of the email to do so.

Users with the 'configure autoresponder' permission are able to access an administrative interface, which allows
them to configure the individual emails in the system, create a mail sets, administrate registered users.

Users with the 'autoresponder massmail' permission can send messages to users of specified set/role
The administrator is able to add/edit/delete each of these emails/sets.

New features:

  • Mass-mailing
  • Multiple sets subscribing
  • Customizable block
  • E-mails can be viewed on site
  • Customizable footer

E-mails are sent with both HTML and text encodings.

Module uses mimemail module to send HTML messages. So do not forget to install and enable it before enabling Autoresponder.

Note 1: This module is under ongoing development. Please submit feature requests, questions, bugs, issues or patches so i can try and improve the module. And yes, i know, the code needs to be completely rewritten, it is ugly and dirty.

Note 2: Alpha version tested as working but i'm sure there will be some bugs.

Note 3: Similar functionality of this module can be achieved using Rules module. Main advantage of this module is that it allows anonymous users to sign up to mailing lists and keeps everything in its own control panel.

Note 4: E-mails will be sended on time only if your cron runs several times a day (more is better). See poormanscron module for one of the solutions for cron running

Note 5: There are versions for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5. But i do not support them, and have no willing to.

Project information
