Move a node to a different position to change its Date field value
Result of moving a node to a different position to change its Date field value

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7.x-1.x-dev version is a WIP, will be updated by Dec 14 2013.

Interactively move and resize node calendar representations on weekly Views displays by drag and drop method. This effectively changes the Date field value associated with the calendar Views.

Display buttons on the node representations and assign custom functions to them. Edit and Delete node buttons are implemented out of the box.

Set at least one View, with the related Content type and Date field

Currently functionality of this module can be applied to up to 4 different Views. For each View one Content type and one Date field from that Content type need to be chosen to set which type and field should be editable through Calendar Overlay.

These node types will be called Calendar Overlay nodes throughout this description. They are not a separate content type, the "Calendar Overlay node" only notes that an existing content type is being displayed on a calendar and is set to use Calendar Overlay functionality the weekly display of that View.

Move nodes across weekly Views display

Moving a node representation changes its date field start value, the date value changes if you move the node to a different day, and the time value changes if you move it to a higher or lower position than the original one. Visually speaking the node "box" you see on the weekly display can be dragged across the calendar to a new position/date and time.

Resize nodes on weekly Views display

Node end time value can be interactively changed by dragging the node bottom edge upwards or downwards. Visually speaking the node "box" gets shorter or longer by dragging its bottom edge.

Add buttons to Calendar Overlay nodes

Edit and Delete buttons appear on the nodes out of the box. There is a special permission that can be set for each button which controls whether the buttons appear and can be used or not.

Up to 4 additional buttons can be added through the module settings page, but what the buttons do (callbacks) needs to be defined in a custom module.

The project will be in dev version until more users test it.

Project information
