Settings screen

Comment Trust auto-approves comments by users with previously-approved comments. It rewards trusted commenters with immediate approvals, while requiring you to approve the comments by new visitors. Works for both anonymous and authenticated users.

You can configure the threshold of approved comments an email address has to first achieve before gaining auto-approval. You can also provide a list of email addresses (or patterns of email addresses) to always exclude from auto-approval.


  • After the usual module installation, visit admin/content/comment/comment_trust to configure the module.
  • This module won't do anything if users have the "skip comment approval" permission; so, you'll probably want to disable that permission for the appropriate roles.
  • For anonymous users, this module requires the email address field to be present (and required) on the comment form. On your content type settings page (admin/structure/types/manage/article, for example), under "Comment settings", make sure the Anonymous commenting field has the value "Anonymous posters must leave their contact information".
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