This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Convey allows users of a site to subscribe to updates on both site content and external content (via registered RSS feeds). The novelty of the module lies in the users' ability to easily focus their subscription on specific content using taxonomy terms (potentially with AND-ed joins) and key-phrases within content.

The user may specify their preferred means of information delivery as: email (immediate, daily or weekly digests) or a personalised RSS feed.

To further aid the user's ability to focus on specific content, the module can intelligently filter uncategorised content according to taxonomy definitions on the host site. For example, suppose one of our RSS feeds picks up a story about a man that wrestles a shark, convey will match keywords in the RSS item to the local taxonomy terms such as 'Shark', 'Wrestle'.

Since Convey is concerned with rapid information dissemination, it also offers a pure-Drupal mailing list system that site users can subscribe and post to, like mailman - but without mailman. All you require to make this work is a mailbox that supports POP or IMAP (e.g.

This module was developed by with rapid exchange of up-to-date focussed information among many voluntary and community organisations in mind and was funded by and

Author: Nick Blundell
Ideas and Feedback: Alison Straker, Chris Johnson

Project information

  • Module categories: Integrations
  • Created by blundeln on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
