Chinese Social Networks links are displayed in the default User Login block.
Configuration form allows backend administrator to configure authentication keys

This module allow users to sign up and sign in to Drupal site with their user account from these top Chinese Social Networks.

Currently we support:

  • Sina Weibo login integration (Sina Weibo: Very popular Chinese micro-blogging service and social network, similar to Twitter.)
  • Tencent QQ login integration (Tencent QQ: The largest Chinese Instant Message provider.)
  • RenRen login integration (RenRen: One of the largest Chinese Community websites, similar to Facebook.)
  • Kaixin001 login integration (Kaixin001: One of the largest Chinese Community websites, similar to Facebook.)

目前模块整合了: 新浪微博登录、QQ登录、人人网登录、开心网登录、微信开放平台登录


The module contains a main module which provides an API for a number of sub-modules (currently four), each one being an implementation of the API hooks to support each different Chinese Social Network Authentication API.

Basic Instructions:

  1. Install and enable the main module (CSNA) and any of the desired sub-modules.
  2. Go to the configuration page (/admin/config/csna) and enter the KEY and SECRET obtained from the corresponding Chinese Social Networks (See next section on how to get the keys).

How to get a KEY and SECRET code?
For any authentication provider to be integrated, a KEY and SECRET code should be configured and these ones could be obtained on the following websites:


Try out the demonstration:

Future developments:

These CSNs use Oauth protocol, so its not only for user sign in. A potential idea for the evolution of this module would be to provide some kind of API based on CSNA to allow Drupal (and other modules) to directly post (to) or get (from) information through the Oauth protocol.

Contributions are welcome!!

Feel free to follow up in the issue queue for any contributions, bug reports, feature requests.
Tests, feedback or comments in general are highly appreciated.

This module was approved through the Project Application issue queue process at:
#1791048: Chinese Social Networks Authentication (CSNA)


This project is sponsored by Davyin. We provide specialist consulting services in Enterprise Drupal, Visit us at

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintenance of the module.

Project information
