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Natural language date format, "colloquial recency."

Turns CCK time ago and submitted by dates into length-of-time appropriate output:

  • “a moment ago”
  • “3 hours ago at 5:18pm”
  • “tomorrow at 2:30pm"
  • “last Thursday at 10:56am”
  • “two weeks ago”
  • “October 3rd”
  • “a year ago today”
  • “Mar. 26th ‘09”

Date outputs are usually pretty clunky. Drupal at least has the "time ago" formatter which is better than what we see around the web. Often websites will present meta data like "September 15, 2012 - 3:48pm" for content like blog posts or forums. Order history is often presented more like "2012/9/15-15:38". This is appropriate for always having access to exact accuracy, but more casual/social dates are much better where needed.

Drupal does have a fairly good -somewhat hardcoded- time ago granularity of 2 which has provided us with pretty readable, recency appropriate output like: "2 weeks 3 days ago" or "4 hours 18 min ago". Say thank you to format_interval(). But I really wanted to go a little farther. This module changes your time ago format into the most user-friendly text string representation of time difference possible. All dependent on the amount of time that has passed and presented appropriately specific.

You might want to checkout Timeago (client-side).


  1. Custom display formatter. (Views time ago not possible without this.)
  2. Use 'morning', 'afternoon', or 'night' rather than am/pm on time (not released).


BTW: "Submitted by" code borrowed from Fancy Dates, thanks.
Hopeful eventual merging: #1437946: collaboration?

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