This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The D7Permissions module ports some of the useful functionality that has been included in the Drupal 7 roles and permissions system into Drupal 6:

1) Set the order that roles will appear in on the permissions page.
2) Display all roles as "checked" (aside from anonymous) when a permission has "authenticated user" checked.

The jQuery code that performs the "dummy checkbox" function has been ported from Drupal 7. This script requires jQuery 1.3.x+, thus this module's dependancy on the jQuery Update module. Future releases may alter the code to only depend on core jQuery (1.2.6).

This module requires the "administer permissions" permission to use any of its features.

Project information

  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Access Control
  • Created by charlie-s on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
