Alfred Ernest Marples, Baron Marples of Wallasey

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Note: This module and the associated project is now redundant

Provides an wrapper API which lets other modules query to convert a UK Postcode to LAT LON co-ordinates.

Use in your module or hook up to a CCK computed field like so:
This code check if the node has a postcode field if so then send it onto Mr Marples and then store the the LAT or LON in the computed field. Then use that computed field for some mapping magic :)

if (!$node->nid) {

if (!$node->field_lac_postcode['0']['value']) {
	}else {
		if (module_exists('ernest_marples')){
			$result = get_ernest_marples($node->field_lac_postcode['0']['value']);
			$node_field[0]['value'] = $result['lat'];	

Project information
