The manage display screen with Field as Block checkboxes
A node page with fields displayed as blocks

Field as Block provides an easy way to display one or more fields of the current node in a block.

This module aims to be a light weight alternative to modules like Panels and Display Suite, or using Views to define a block which only retrieves one field.

Difference from Ctools field blocks
While Ctools field blocks rely on the formatter and settings from a configurable display mode, this module allows to configure the formatter and settings in the block configuration.

Usage (Drupal 7)

  • Enable the module
  • Open the Manage Display admin page of the entity (for instance: /admin/structure/types/manage/article/display for the article node type)
  • Mark one or more fields to be displayed as block
  • Select the desired formatter and formatter settings
  • Set the field label to hidden if you do not want the block to have a title
  • Save the Manage Display form
  • Open the block administration form (/admin/structure/block) and assign the block(s) to a region

Usage (Drupal 8+)

The process of the configuring Field as Block has changed significantly in Drupal 8.

  1. Enable the module (/admin/modules)
  2. Enable Entity Types to expose as "Field as block" blocks. (admin/config/fieldblock/fieldblockconfig)
  3. Open the block administration form (/admin/structure/block). Select “Place block” to add blocks(s) to a region.
  4. Locate blocks with the category ”Field as block" and select “Place block”
  5. Select the Field to display in the block
  6. Select the desired formatter and formatter settings
  7. Save the Configure block form


I would like to thank the authors of these Drupal 7 tutorials:

If you have a link to be added to this list, please let me know.

Supporting organizations: 
allows us to maintain and improve this module during office hours, thanks to the fabulous "Duurzame Donderdag"
has previously donated time to maintain and improve this module.

Project information
